Inscriçoes de Menologia para Janeir 16: ( Pictured: Artistic rendition of the triumph of Pope St. Marcellus I) . Primary Liturgical Feast of the Day : Pope St. Marcellus I, Martyr, at Rome on the Salarian Way, for the confession of the Catholic faith; for refusing to allow politically influential Lapsi to be reinstated in the Church, & to stations in the Church, without first performing penance, he was, by command of Emperor Maxentius, himself a Lapsi , first beaten with clubs, then sent to take care of animals & worked hard, with a guard to watch him, in which servile office, dressed in haircloth, he departed this life, Jan. 16, 309 A.D.; the Whore Church , or the Prostitute Church , of Roman Protestantism , has "abolished" the Feast of Pope St. Marcellus I as the primary liturgical feast of Jan. 16, an act that cannot be accepted, or followed, without grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin ; Feast of St. Jose Vaz of Sancoale in Go...