Marz-13-acem Sogglem Santam
Concannim: Marz Tera-cem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 13; English: Saints of March 13.
Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day.
PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Sãntos Roderigo e Solomão, Saints Rodericus & Solomon.
Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Livrant Saibinn, Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa, Goencem Saibinn, our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering Goa from the Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, from the Forces of Darkness, the Enacim, Amalecites, Canaanites, Philistines, Ammonites, Moabites, Etc., of our time & place: Paganism, Idalcao, the Dutch, English, Marathas, Mughals, the bandit Tipoo, son of Hyder, the Bonsales & Ranes, etc. Vindicate, & restore Mother Goa, O beloved Mother of God! We make this prayer through the same Lord God Jesus Christ, thy Son, Who is, in unity with God the Father, & God the Holy Ghost, one God, forever & ever, Amen!
V.: Libera nos a malo, ("Deliver us from evil," from the Paternoster,) & "Deliver us from the Shaitans!"*
R.: Amen!
(*Spontaneous prayer of Christians of Ceilão in wake of Mahomettan Infidels' Terror Attacks, Bombings of Churches Easter 2019 A D.)
At Cordova in Spain, the holy martyrs Roderic, a priest, & Solomon.
At Nicomedia, the birthday of the holy martyrs Macedonius, Patricia his wife, & his daughter, Modesta.
At Nicaea in Bythnia, the holy martyrs Theusetas, & Horres his son, Theodora, Nymphodora, Mark, & Arabia, who were all cast into the flames for Christ's sake.
At Hermopolis in Egypt, St. Sabinus, martyr, who suffered many torments & finally was martyred by drowning in the river.
In Persia, St. Christina, virgin & martyr.
At Camerino, St. Ansovin, bishop & confessor.
In the Thebaid, the death of St. Euphrasia, virgin.
At Constantinople, the translation of St. Nicephorus, bishop of that city & confessor. His body was brought to Constantinople from the island of Prokenesis, in the sea of Marmara, where he had died on June 5 in exile because of his reverence for holy images, and it was buried with honor by St. Methodius, bishop of Constantinople, in the Church of the Holy Apostles in this the very day on which Nicephorus had been driven into exile.
Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day.
PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Sãntos Roderigo e Solomão, Saints Rodericus & Solomon.
Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Livrant Saibinn, Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa, Goencem Saibinn, our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering Goa from the Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, from the Forces of Darkness, the Enacim, Amalecites, Canaanites, Philistines, Ammonites, Moabites, Etc., of our time & place: Paganism, Idalcao, the Dutch, English, Marathas, Mughals, the bandit Tipoo, son of Hyder, the Bonsales & Ranes, etc. Vindicate, & restore Mother Goa, O beloved Mother of God! We make this prayer through the same Lord God Jesus Christ, thy Son, Who is, in unity with God the Father, & God the Holy Ghost, one God, forever & ever, Amen!
V.: Libera nos a malo, ("Deliver us from evil," from the Paternoster,) & "Deliver us from the Shaitans!"*
R.: Amen!
(*Spontaneous prayer of Christians of Ceilão in wake of Mahomettan Infidels' Terror Attacks, Bombings of Churches Easter 2019 A D.)
At Cordova in Spain, the holy martyrs Roderic, a priest, & Solomon.
At Nicomedia, the birthday of the holy martyrs Macedonius, Patricia his wife, & his daughter, Modesta.
At Nicaea in Bythnia, the holy martyrs Theusetas, & Horres his son, Theodora, Nymphodora, Mark, & Arabia, who were all cast into the flames for Christ's sake.
At Hermopolis in Egypt, St. Sabinus, martyr, who suffered many torments & finally was martyred by drowning in the river.
In Persia, St. Christina, virgin & martyr.
At Camerino, St. Ansovin, bishop & confessor.
In the Thebaid, the death of St. Euphrasia, virgin.
At Constantinople, the translation of St. Nicephorus, bishop of that city & confessor. His body was brought to Constantinople from the island of Prokenesis, in the sea of Marmara, where he had died on June 5 in exile because of his reverence for holy images, and it was buried with honor by St. Methodius, bishop of Constantinople, in the Church of the Holy Apostles in this the very day on which Nicephorus had been driven into exile.