Decem-19-acem Sogglem Santam
Exsurge Domine, et Liberal Nos A Malo!
«Exsurge, Domine, in ira tua; et exaltare in finibus inimicorum meorum; et exsurge, Domine Deus meus, in praecepto quod mandasti; et synagoga populorum circumdabit te: et propter hanc in altum regredere. Dominus judicat populos. Judica me, Domine, secundum justitiam meam, et secundum innocentiam meam super me. Consumetur nequitia peccatorum; et diriges justum, scrutans corda et renes, Deus. Justum adjutorium meum a Domino, qui salvos facit rectos corde. Deus judex justus, fortis, et patiens; numquid irascitur per singulos dies? Nisi conversi fueritis, gladium suum vibrabit; arcum suum tetendit, et paravit illum. Et in eo paravit vasa mortis, sagittas suas ardentibus effecit. Ecce parturiit injustitiam; concepit dolorem, et peperit iniquitatem. Lacum aperuit, et effodit eum; et incidit in foveam quam fecit. Convertetur dolor ejus in caput ejus, et in verticem ipsius iniquitas ejus descendet. Confitebor Domino secundum justitiam ejus, et psallam nomini Domini altissimi.»
«Arise, O Lord, and judge your own cause. Remember your reproaches to those who are filled with foolishness all through the day. Listen to our prayers, for foxes have arisen seeking to destroy the vineyard whose winepress you alone have trod. The wild boar from the forest seeks to destroy it and every wild beast feeds upon it. Let the whole church of the saints and the rest of the universal church arise. Some, putting aside her true interpretation of Sacred Scripture, are blinded in mind by the father of lies. Wise in their own eyes, according to the ancient practice of heretics, they interpret these same Scriptures otherwise than the Holy Spirit demands, inspired only by their own sense of ambition, and for the sake of popular acclaim.... Let all this holy Church of God, I say, arise, and with the blessed apostles intercede with almighty God to purge the errors of His sheep, to banish all heresies from the lands of the faithful, and be pleased to maintain the peace and unity of His holy Church.»
Arise, O Lord! How long will Thou permit that Sin, Evil & Injustice, be exalted, & allow evildoers to thread down, & supplant, Virtue, Goodness & Justice, to pass off evil as good, & good as evil, lies as truth, & truth as lies, thieveries & robberies as lawfulness, & lawfulness as thieveries & robberies?
«Ecce enim dies veniet succensa quasi caminus: et erunt omnes superbi et omnes facientes impietatem stipula: et inflammabit eos dies veniens, dicit Dominus exercituum, quae non derelinquet eis radicem et germen. Et orietur vobis timentibus nomen meum sol justitiae, et sanitas in pennis ejus: et egrediemini, et salietis sicut vituli de armento. Et calcabitis impios, cum fuerint cinis sub planta pedum vestrorum, in die qua ego facio, dicit Dominus exercituum.»
(«For behold the day shall come kindled as a furnace: & all the proud, & all that do wickedly shall be stubble: & the day that cometh shall set them on fire, saith the Lord of hosts, it shall not leave them root, nor branch. But unto you that fear my name, the Sun of justice shall arise, & health in His wings: & you shall go forth, & shall leap like calves of the herd. And you shall tread down the wicked when they shall be ashes under the sole of your feet in the day that I do this, saith the Lord of hosts.»)
(Pictured: Icon of Our Lady of Toledo exorcised, consecrated & installed Oct. 25, 1075 A.D., under the protection of the Catholic Kings of the Asturias, Leon & Castile.)
Our Lady of Toledo: On December 18, or 19th, 665 A.D., St. Ildephonsus, who had been compelled by King Reccesuinth in 657 A.D., to take up the Archbishopric of Toledo, then the Primatial See of Visigothic Spain, after his uncle Archbishop St. Eugenius II had died, had been feeling somewhat uneasy for several days, sensing that something important was going to happen. He left the archiepiscopal house early to attend Matins in the Cathedral of St. Leucadia. As usual, he was accompanied by his servants, chaplains, & priests, all of whom enjoyed the verses of praise he composed in his devotion to the Immaculate. The pages went ahead to make preparations while St. Ildephonsus approached the main door. His conversation with the visiting bishop and archdeacon was abruptly interrupted when the pages ran out of the church terrified. The reason for their dismay was a vision of radiant lights inside the church that had to be of supernatural origin. The priests & others who followed St. Ildephonsus into the church dared not cross the threshold, remaining outside in fear. It was thus that only St. Ildephonsus & two companions fearlessly entered to see what transpires. In their uncertainty they walked slowly up to the main altar, but other than a bright light, they at first didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. The trio knelt before the Sacramental Christ thinking to pray a few moments, though St. Ildephonsus immediately noticed that he was unable to pray with the usual concentration & fervor. Then, turning his head, St. Ildephonsus saw that there was someone seating in the Episcopal chair he normally occupied, a woman of indescribable beauty, radiating a resplendent halo of untold glory & majesty. Beside her, St. Ildephonsus began to notice thousands of angels & choruses of virgins singing sweetly. The saint understood at once that this woman was none other than the Holy Mother of God. Taking leave of his two companions, St. Ildephonsus fell on his knees before the lady, his gaze saying what his lips could not, bound by admiration & complete astonishment. The Mother of God looked at St. Ildephonsus with a tender smile on her lips & gestured for him to approach nearer. The saint obeyed, bowing deeply until he reached her feet. Once there he fell on his knees again, hiding his face in his hands, without even daring to look up. Then the Queen of Heaven began to speak to him sweetly: "I have come to visit you because you have always taken care of my service & praises, & because, with great faith, you have defended my honor. For all of this I want to pay you in this life what I owe you. Take & enjoy this chasuble that I bring you from the treasury of my Son, to make use of it in your sacrifices & to serve as a token of what is waiting for you in heaven when your mission has been fulfilled in this earthly life." And while saying these words, with her own hands, she put on his shoulders a precious chasuble whose embroidery & fabric no human hand could ever hope to fashion. Dressed by the hand of Mary, the archbishop rose as he bowed reverentially in gratitude. The Queen of Heaven then smiled, as if accepting the gratitude of her most loyal servant, & then joined by her heavenly companions, vanished like mist in the air. Only then the companions of St. Ildephonsus came forward, having witnessed all that had transpired. Those who had fled the church & remained outside waited there until the church had returned to normal & all the lights were gone. They entered the church to meet with the bishop and immediately felt the atmosphere of unimaginable happiness. Greeting the bishop, they met him with shouts of joy, & he greeted them with love, showing them the chasuble & weeping with them. The church bells began to peel cheerfully without anyone touching them, awakening the neighborhood. The news of what had happened went from home to home, & from neighborhood to neighborhood. There was not one who upon hearing of what had happened did not drop what he was doing to go to the church. Soon, the entire population of Toledo was concentrated at the church on the day of its greatest splendor to accompany the bishop who had given the most glory to the church of Toledo. St. Ildephonsus, dressed in the unmatched chasuble, approached the altar to say Mass in honor of the Virgin. Everyone wanted to see, to touch, to admire the chasuble that Our Lady gave to her favorite servant, & it was not without miraculous effect. The sick were healed, the sad found solace, the poor relief.... According to tradition, St. Ildephonsus' successor, Siagrius, tried to put on the garment, but died in the act of putting it on. The garment was said to have been seen & touched by Herbert Losinga, Bishop of Norwich, as late as the eleventh century. This celestial gift is still preserved, & is now kept at Oviedo: Alphonsus the Chaste, King of the Asturias & Leon, transferred it to the church of Saint Savior (San Salvador), in Oviedo, which he had built, where it, along with the Sudarium of our Lord Jesus Christ, & many other relics, is contained in the Holy Ark (Arca Santa), placed in the Royal Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel, also called the Holy Chamber (Camara Santa), adjacent to the Church of St. Savior in Oviedo (link). The Spanish hero Rodrigo Diaz, better known "El Cid," was a living witness when the chest was opened in his presence. In the Cathedral of Toledo, in the chapel that bears the name of St. Ildephonsus, the stone is venerated where the Virgin stood during this famous miracle. This stone is very revered by the believers of Toledo, who cannot go to the church without touching it, even during the occupation of Toledo by the Arab Mahomettan Infidel invaders, & their desecration of the Cathedral of St Leucadia as a Demonarium or mosque. There is an inscription that reads: "When the Queen of heaven laid her feet on the ground it was upon this stone that she stood. Touch the stone, saying in all devotion, 'We venerate this place where the Blessed Virgin has laid her feet.'" There is no Siagrius listed as a successor to St. Ildephonsus; its probable that he's not listed because he may have been a bishop-elect, or designated, & died before he could be installed, it is also very possibly the reason why Canon Law was dispensed, which till then forbade transfers of Bishops between bishoprics, to transfer St. Quiricus, Bishop of Barcelona, as Archbishop of Toledo, in place of his teacher St. Ildephonsus;
The Holy Martyrs of Barcelona Saints Martin (nee James Boguna Casanovas), Dorotheus of Villalba del Arcs (nee George Sampe Tarrago) & Fulgentius (nee Joseph Albareda Ramoneda), murdered by Communist bandits at the Cemetery of Montcada & Reixac, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, December 19, 1936, not yet canonized by a Catholic Pope;
The Holy Martyrs of the Co Me temple complex in the province of Bac Ninh, in Tonkin, Vietnam, December 19, 1839: Saints Augustine Nguyen Van Moi, Dominic Uy Van Bui, Francis Xavier Ha Trong Mau, Stephen Nguyen Van Vinh, & Thomas Van De, not yet canonized by a Catholic Pope;
The Holy Martyrs of Gaza, in Israel, Saints Meuris & Thea, Virgins, & Martyrs under Maximinus II Daia, December 19, 307 A.D.;
The Holy Martyrs of Goa in the East Indies;
The Holy Martyrs of Nicaea Saints Darius, Zosimus, Paul, & Secundus;
The Holy Martyrs of Nicomedia Saints Cyriacus, Paulillus, Secundus, Anastasius, Sindimius, & Others, Companions;
The Holy Martyrs of Slonim, Saints Mary Martha of Jesus Wolowska, Prioress, & Mary Eve of the Divine Providence Noiszewska, nuns of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, murdered in Odium fidei by Nazis Infidels, at Gora Pietrelewicka in Slonim in Eastern Poland, December 19, 1942, not yet canonized by a Catholic Pope;
St. Bonifatius or Boniface, martyred at Tharsus in Cilicia, apparently December 19, 307 A.D., his liturgical feast is May 14, he was a pagan, not baptized, see Catholic doctrines of Baptism of Blood & Baptism of Desire (link);
St. Nemesius, Martyr at Alexandria in Egypt, who was first denounced before the judge as a robber, but on being freed from that charge, was soon after, in the persecution of Decius, accused before the judge Emilianus of being a Christian. By him, he was twice subjected to the torture, & condemned to be burned alive with robbers, thus bearing a resemblance to our Saviour, who was crucified with thieves;
St. Timothy, Deacon, & Martyr in Africa under Decius, it is uncertain whether he was martyred in the Roman province of Africa, proper, or in Mauritania in Barbary, now called "Morocco;" after enduring a painful imprisonment for the faith of Christ, he was cast into the fire, where he consummated his martyrdom, December 19, 250 A.D.;
Mercedarian redeemers Saints Bartholomew of Podio, Berengarius of Banares, John of Verdera, Peter of Benevento, Peter of Gualba, William of Gallinaris, & William of Prunera;
St. Adelaide, or Adeline, Countess of Ivrea;
Pope St. Anastasius I, his Dies Natalis, or Birthday in the Lord, is December 19, 401 A.D., but his liturgical feast is set for April 27;
St. Adjutus or Avitus, Prophet, & Abbot of St. Mesmin, at Micium or Micy, near Orleans;
St. Bernard Pagliara, Bishop of Teramo;
St. Caecilia, Dominican, Prioress of the Dominican Convent of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Ferrara, her Dies Natalis is December 19, 1511, after a vision at Christmas 1511, Old Style, while her liturgical feast is set for February 25;
St. Conrad of Liechtenau, Norbertine, Abbot of Ursberg;
St. Fausta, at Rome, mother of St. Anastasia, distinguished for noble birth & piety;
St. Gregory, 12th Bishop of Auxerre, Confessor;
St. John Gogniat, Norbertine, Abbot of Bellelay in the Canton of Bern, he helped Bellelay resist the Deformation, & remain Christian, against the Chauvinists, his Dies Natalis & liturgical feast is today, December 19, 1553 A.D;
St. Manirus, an Irish, or Irish-Scot roving bishop in North Scotland, his Dies Natalis & liturgical feast is today, December 19, 824 A.D.;
St. Ribert (or Ribera, or Ribarius, from Riparia, river), 17th Abbot of Condat, which later was called Saint Oyend de Joux after it's 4th Abbot St. Eugendus, & is now called St. Claude, after it's 12th Abbot St. Claudius, Ribert's Dies Natalis & liturgical feast is December 19, 790 A.D.;
Pope St. Urbanus V, at Avignon, who deserved well of the Church by returning to Rome, by bringing about a reunion of the Latins & the Greeks, & by suppressing heretics;
St. William of Fenoli, wonderworker or thaumaturge;
Bonifatius or Boniface, 3rd Bishop of Florence, I am not able to find any Catholic corroboration of him;
Gregentius, Archbishop of Zafar, & of Himyaritia & of the Najran in Arabia,after it's liberation by Emperor St Caleb of Ethiopia from the depredations of the Deicides led by Dhu Nuwas, his life is improbable, & he may have been a Monophysite or Jacobite heretic;
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
V: Omnes vos Angeli et Sancti Dei:
R: Orate pro nobis!