
Showing posts from March, 2025

Marz-13-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Tera-cem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 13; English: Saints of March 13. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Sãntos Roderigo e Solomão, Saints Rodericus & Solomon. Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, d...

Marz-12-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Bara-cem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 12; English: Saints of March 12. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Pap São Gregor Grão, Pope St. Gregory the Great. Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East , overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering...

Marz-11-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Iqra-cem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 11; English: Saints of March 11. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: São Eulogio da Cordova, St. Eulogius of Cordoba. Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering ...

Marz-10-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Dah-acem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 10; English: Saints of March 10. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Forty Holy Martyrs of Sebaste. Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering Goa from the Enemi...

Marz-9-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Noh-acem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 9; English: Saints of March 9. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Santa Francisca de Roma, St. Frances of Rome. Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as y...

Marz-8-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Aat-acem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 8; English: Saints of March 8. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: São João de Deus, St. John of God. Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, del...

Marz-7-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Char-acem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 7; English: Saints of March 7. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: São Tome de Aquin Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering Goa from...

Marz-6-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Char-acem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 6; English: Saints of March 6. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Santas Perpetua e Felicitas. Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering...

Marz-5-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Char-acem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 4; English: Saints of March 5. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: São João Jose de Santa Cruz, St. John Joseph of the Cross. Today, March 5, 2025, Is Ash Wednesday . It was always, & remains, a Mortal Sin, to participate in the rites of Heretics & Apostates, & there is not a sect in Salvation history that is more a Sect of Perdition, & of Damnation, than the " Vatican2 " sect under its Apostasiarchs Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger & Jorge Bergoglio. It is strictly forbidden by God, for Catholics to have any part with the rites of the Nestorians, Jacobites, Caerularians or Cacodox, Protestants, & of the "Vatican2" Apostate sect. Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa...

Marz-4-acem Sogglem Santam

Concannim: Marz Char-acem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 4; English: Saints of March 4. Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: São Casimir (Concannim), São Casimiro (Portuguese), St. Casimir Jagiellon (English). Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our ...

Marz-3-acem Sogglem Santam

Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 3 (Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day). (Section of fresco called the " Sacred Conversation " from 1421 A.D. on the choir's south wall in St. Giles' Church, Zweinitz, Carinthia, Austria; left to right, it depicts, standing in the background, Saints Giles, Emma of Gurk holding a church, Empress Cunigunda holding a church, & George the Dragonslayer, arrayed around the Blessed Virgin Mary with Child Jesus.) PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY :   Empress St. Cunigunda, Virgin. Our Lady of Liberation,  Nossa Senhora do Livramento ,  Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa,  Nossa Senhora da Goa ,  Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of...

Marz-2-acem Sogglem Santam

Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 2 (Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day). PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Pope St. Simplicius ( São Simplicio ), & St. Chad. Today, March 2, 2025, is Quinquagesima Sunday . Our Lady of Liberation,  Nossa Senhora do Livramento ,  Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa,  Nossa Senhora da Goa ,  Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the  Valerianist  & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as ...

Marz-1-acem Sogglem Santam

Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 1 (Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day). PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: St. Antonina of Nicaea Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento , Livrant Saibinn , Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa , Goencem Saibinn , our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church , enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering Goa from the Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, from the F...