
Showing posts from September, 2021

Setem-30-acem Sogglem Santam

Setem-30-acem Sogglem Santam Page URL: . See also: My Statement on the "Dismantling Global Hindutva" Seminar Controversy . Exultet in Pachapapa : The God of the Bible says that All those "Christians" who "celebrate" "Pope Francis," the gods of the Pagans, eg Allah, Ganpati, etc., the Damned "saints" Charles Lying Pole Wojtyla, Murder Teresa of Calcutta, JoseMaria Escriva, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Carlo Acutis, etc., the god of the heretics, who, the Bible say are equal to Pagans: Luther, Calvin, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, etc. the "King James Version," and all its derivatives, and the Great Humbugs Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, etc., will assuredly be Damned to Hell. . PRINCIPAL FEAST St Jerome (Hieronymus) MAJOR FEASTS Our Lady of Bermont or of Beaumont, Our Lady of Elende (pictured), and Our Lady ...

Setem-29-acem Sogglem Santam

MAJOR FEASTS St Michael the Archangel — Today is the Feast of Michaelmas Our Lady of Tongres, of Tirano & of Fontanafredda St Everard the Shepherd St Theodota September 29, 1081: Feast of the Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Tongres, in Tongres, in the diocese of Cambray. Our story goes back to the First Crusade, and concerns a knight by the name of Hector, who becoming blind while on the crusade, was obliged to return home. One night in the year 1081 while Hector was living in retirement in Tongres, angelic voices were heard in the garden of his castle, and lights were seen among the shrubs. The next morning his servants found in the garden a lovely statue of Our Lady. He ordered it brought into the castle and had it set up in his private oratory. Here he prayed all night before it, and arranged a procession on the following day in honor of the Royal Visitor. That night the statue disappeared, only to be found on the following morning in the garden. Hector gave or...

Setem-28-acem Sogglem Santam

MAJOR FEASTS Our Lady of Cambron Our Lady of the Tabernacle St Lioba St Mark the Shepherd St Wenceslas September 28, 1322: "Our Lady of Cambron, of the order of Citeaux, in Hainault, near Mons. It is said that this image, being struck by a wicked man, in the year 1322, bled copiously. (Histoire Camberon., Duaci. ann. 1602)." The Abbot Orsini wrote: "Our Lady of Cambron, of the order of Citeaux, in Hainault, near Mons. It is said that this image, being struck by a wicked man, in the year 1322, bled copiously." In the early 13th century a Jew named William who had embraced the true faith was employed by the Count of Hainaut. Once when traveling, he stopped at the Abbey of Cambron. In one of the rooms he saw a picture of the adoration of the Magi. In a rage, he slashed the figure of the Virgin Mary with his pike. A carpenter discovered him and would have killed him on the spot, were it not for the restraining hand of one of the religious. In the conf...

Setem-27-acem Sogglem Santam


Setem26-acem Sogglem Santam


Setem-25-acem Sogglem Santam


Setem-24-acem Sogglem Santam


Setem-23-acem Sogglem Santam


Setem-22-acem Sogglem Santam

Setem-22-acem Sogglem Santam Page URL: . MAJOR AND/OR GREAT FEASTS The Christening of Our Lady, when she was given her Holy Name Our Lady of Ranton. The Holy Martyrs of Agaunum Saints Mauritius & Companions The Holy Martyrs of Antinoopolis in Egypt, Saints Irais and Companions. The Holy Martyrs of Seoul, Saints Paul & Augustine. St. Thomas of Villanova ( pictured ). Saints Emmeram, Gunthilde ( pictures below ), and many, many more. Flee From Satan's Church When Pope Pius XII died in October 1958, Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Satanists seized the Vatican Basilica and from there masquerade as the Catholic Church. However, Catholic Law excludes Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Heretics and Apostates from the Catholic Church, and all their pretended "acts" are null and void. All who observe and pretend to legitimize the Pretensions and Masquerades of the...