Setem-30-acem Sogglem Santam
Setem-30-acem Sogglem Santam
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- My Statement on the "Dismantling Global Hindutva" Seminar Controversy.
- Exultet in Pachapapa: The God of the Bible says that All those "Christians" who "celebrate" "Pope Francis," the gods of the Pagans, eg Allah, Ganpati, etc., the Damned "saints" Charles Lying Pole Wojtyla, Murder Teresa of Calcutta, JoseMaria Escriva, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Carlo Acutis, etc., the god of the heretics, who, the Bible say are equal to Pagans: Luther, Calvin, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, etc. the "King James Version," and all its derivatives, and the Great Humbugs Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, etc., will assuredly be Damned to Hell. .
![]() Our lady of Elende or Maria im Elende ![]() St Teresa of Lisieux |
Flee From Satan's Church
When Pope Pius XII died in October 1958, Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Satanists seized the Vatican Basilica and from there masquerade as the Catholic Church.Catholic Law excludes Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Heretics and Apostates from the Catholic Church, and all their pretended "acts" are null and void.
All who observe and pretend to legitimize the Pretensions and Masquerades of these Satanists, who "accept" and legitimize the Antipopes "John XXIII-II," Paul 6," "John-Paul I," "John-Paul II," "Benedict XVI," "Francis," thereby certify themselves Satanists, and that their "gods" are the Demons Ganpati, Allah, etc., the "gods" of the Accursed Latrocinium of "Vatican2."
God Demands Obedience And Excludes All False 'gods'
God's Firewall Against Satan...
... and Satan's Lies of Pretended "New Gospels" eg Montanism, Mahomettanism, Waldensianism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Modernism, etc
Proof of Satanism
Please read this page for context: Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger & Bergoglio were and are Satanists is evident from the Bible, particularly the First Commandment.
The ability to discern and distinguish between Christians and Satanists is proof of whether one is a Christian or a Satanist.
The refusal to acknowledge that the Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger & Bergoglio were and are Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Satanists and heads of a non-Catholic sect, is proof that one is a Satanist, a public enemy of the Living God.
September 30: Our Lady of Bermont or of Beaumont, or Notre Dame de Beaumont, in the town of Beaumont, the site of many pilgrimages and miracles. St Joan of Arc very often retired into this church, to commend the affairs of France to the Queen of heaven and earth, who ordered her to take up arms to deliver that kingdom.The church contains a painting of St Joan of Arc made during her lifetime. (Triple Couronne, traité 3, ch. 7.)
The little shrine of Our Lady of Beaumont, or Notre Dame de Bermont, is located in Lorraine, France, between the towns of Domremy and Vancouleurs. For many years the small church was thought to date from the 11th century, though the date of its founding was thought lost in the mists of time. It was thought that perhaps it might have been built for a monastery of Benedictine monks, but was subsequently sold to a man named Geoffrey de Bourlemont. We now know that it was founded by Anthony Sigismund of Lorraine in the year 920. It is known that St Joan of Arc liked to go to Our Lady of Bermont on pilgrimage on Saturdays when she was a little girl, and also often during the week, to offer candles and flowers to Our Lady. Although a small chapel, it has great importance, as it was here that Joan of Arc commended the affairs of France to the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and it was here that the Mother of God ordered Joan to take up arms to deliver her country of France from the hands of the English. St Joan was always faithful to the Virgin of Bermont. A farmer in Greux, at her trial, said she was often praying there when her parents believed she was working in the fields. The full name of the town of Domremy is actually Domremy La Pucelle, in memory of St Joan of Arc, and the church is about two miles from St Joan's hometown. The chapel was restored shortly before the turn of the century, and several coats of old paint were removed from the walls of the chapel. In doing so a drawing was discovered of a young peasant girl at prayer while dressed in a man's attire. The image has blue eyes and blonde hair, and since the drawing was made during the time of Joan's life, and Joan was known to pray at the church, the local bishop stated that he thought the portrait must certainly be of Joan of Arc. As it is little more than a line drawing, it really tells us little of what Joan may have looked like. Nothing in twelfth-century art is so fine as the air and gesture of sympathetic majesty. This gave St Joan of Arc masculine courage, combined with feminine fortitude to carry out her Queen's command.September 30, 1400s: Our Lady of Elende, formerly of Elende, now at Heilbad Heilingenstadt in the Eichsfeld in Thuringia
One stormy winter night, a carter was driving his heavily laden wagon, full of wine barrels, near Elende, near Bleicherode-Nordhausen. It was so dark due to the storm that he couldn't see and the horses struggled to draw the cart. Then, the wagon slid down a slope into a ditch or hole, and try as much as he could, he could not get it out again. All his shouts for help were drowned out by the violent storm. Suddenly, the storm calmed, and he saw a beautiful woman, who nodded to him, took the leading horse by its reins and led the horses and the wagon back onto the road. He thanked the woman and searched for something to give her some of his wine, but found that he had nothing he could use for it, and said so. The lady touched a barren dog rose bush nearby by, and it came to life, turned green and began to bud, and was soon full of lovely roses; the lady broke off one of the roses, made a cup out of it and presented it to the astonished carter. He took it, filled it with wine, but when he turned around the lady was nowhere tobe found. He then led his horses and the wagon on his way. After some time, they arrived at a chapel near a hostel, where the horses stopped and would not move, so he brought his horses into the stable and lay down to rest. The next morning, the carter went into the little church to give thanks to God for the help he had been given, when he noticed, to his astonishment, the 2 meter tall statue of Our Lady as the same lady who had helped him the previous evening. The news of this miracle spread and the chapel began to be frequented by pilgrims. During the Deformation, the county of Hohenstein turned Lutheran Satanist, and the statue of Our Lady of Elende was moved into the sacristy, where it stood for decades until it suddenly disappeared, to appear in the Annenkapelle or Chapel of St Anne, of the Collegiate church of St Martin at Heilbad Heiligenstadt in Eichsfeld, where it became the center of the cult of Our Lady of Elende. After the Lutheran Satanists took over St Martin's, following the "Prussian" occupation, the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Elende was transferred to St Mary's Church in Heilbad Heiligenstadt in Eichsfeld, a church also known as the Altstadter Kirche (Old City Church), Liebfrauenkirche (Our Lady's Church) and Propsteikirche (Abbey Church), being placed in the Chapel of St Anne facing the north portico of St Mary's.September 30, 1630: Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady of Loreto or Nostra Signora di Loreto at Groscavallo near Turin in the Piedmont to Peter Garino di Giacomo
A native of Groscavallo, Peter was then living in Turin. An endless succession of wars, famines and plagues had been the lot of the people of the region, and another plague had recently struck the area causing much misery and death. The Blessed Mother appeared to Peter and promised a cessation of plague if the clerics and the people would repair their lives. In August 1629, Peter and two companions made a pilgrimage to the nearby shrine of Our Lady of Rocciamelone. There he came across two paintings. In the final days of Spetmenber of 1630, he returned to Groscavallo. There in the part of the town called Forno Alpi Graiehe he received the message of Our Lady. It was during this time that the two paintings that had been under lock and key mysteriously disappeared, only to be found positioned at the base of the big boulder on which Our Lady had appeared. Under the direction of the rector, a small chapel was built for the two paintings. (In another account, Peter discovered the paintings up in the branches of a tree.)
- + The Holy Martyrs of the Holy Crusades St Anselm of Bovisio, Anselm IV, bishop of Milan, and Companions; St Anselm was martyred by the Muslim Infidels, September 30, 1101.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Piacenza Saints Castus and Desiderius.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Soleure in Switzerland, Saints Victor and Ursus, of the glorious Theban legion, who were subjected to horrid tortures at the orders of the emperor Maximian; but a Heavenly light shining over them, and causing the executioners to fall to the ground, they were delivered. Being then cast into the fire without sustaining any injury, they finally perished by the sword.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Thorney in Cambridgeshire, England, Saints Tancred and Torthred, two hermits and the hermitess Tova, martyred by pagan Danish Viking invaders, Sept. 30, 870.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Valsery, St William, abbot, and Companions, Norbertine or Premonstratensian monks at the Abbey of Notre Dame de Valsery in Picardy, France who were martyred by the Satanists, Calvinists, Sept. 30, 1567.
- + St Amatus, first bishop of Nusco in Italy, died in the Lord, Sept. 30, 1093.
- + St Antoninus, martyr at Piacenza, a soldier of the glorious Theban Legion.
- + St Brigid, of Cluainfidhe, or perhaps of Kilbreedy, Queen's County, Ireland.
- + St Colman, hermit of Cluain Tiobrad now Clontibret, in the Barony of Cremorne in the county of Monaghan, Ireland.
- + St Conrad of Urach, bishop of Porto and St Rufina, died in the Lord, Sept. 30, 1227.
- + St Enghenedl, a Briton or Welshman, not an Englishman, nothing else is known about him.
- + St Eusebia, virgin, hermitess or nun at Marseilles.
- + St Felicia Meda, abbess of the Poor Clares of Pesaro, died in the Lord, Sept. 30, 1444.
- + St Francis Borgia, of the Society of Jesus, his birthday today in the Lord, at Rome. His feast is celebrated on October 10th.
- + St Gregory the Illuminator, bishop, called the Apostle of Armenia, who after many sufferings under Diocletian, rested in peace. He was a native of Greater Armenia, and by receiving his education at Caesarea in Cappadocia, was there instructed in the Christian faith and baptized. He opened his heart to the lessons of eternal life with so great ardour as entirely to banish the love of the world and the concupiscence of the flesh. Having spent some years in the study of the science of salvation, and in the heroic exercise of all virtues, he was touched with a vehement desire of procuring the salvation of his countrymen. This important affair he long recommended to God by his most fervent prayers, and at length returned to Armenia, and there preached the faith of our crucified Redeemer. The zeal and heavenly spirit with which he was animated, and with which he proclaimed the great truths of eternal life, gave an irresistible force to his words; nor were miracles wanting to confirm the holy doctrine which he announced. The people flocked to him in great multitudes to receive the holy sacrament of regeneration, and to be directed in the paths of salvation. The anonymous life of our saint in Surius says, that he suffered much in this arduous employment; but that after some time King Tiridates of Armenia embraced the faith. We are informed by Eusebius, that Maximinus Daia, at that time Caesar in the East, and a violent persecutor of the church, provoked at the wonderful progress which the faith made in Armenia, invaded that country; but was repulsed with confusion. He was consecrated bishop by St Leontius, bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and continued his labours in propagating the faith over all Armenia, and among many very barbarous nations near the Caspian sea, as far as Mount Caucasus. He was called to bliss before Constantine the Great became master of the East, the Greek Menologies say by martyrdom.
- + St Hieronymus or Jerome, priest and Doctor of the Church; today is his birthday in the Lord, at Bethlehem of Juda; he, excelling in all kinds of learning, imitated the life of the most approved monks, and disposed of many monstrous heresies with the sword of his doctrine. Having at length reached a very advanced age, he rested in peace, and was buried near the manger of our Lord. His body was afterwards conveyed to Rome, and deposited in the Basilica of St Mary the Greater.
- + St Honorius, bishop of Canterbury in England, confessor.
- + St Ismidon, bishop of Die in France, died in the Lord, Sept. 30, 1115.
- + St John Nicholas Cordier, Jesuit priest, martyred, murdered by the Maranos and Maranocracy illegally occupying France, Sept. 30, 1794, at Rochefort. Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope.
- + St Lassar, daughter of Lochain, an Irishwoman.
- + St Laurus also called Leri or Lery, a native of Cymru, he emigrated to Armorica (Brittany) where he became abbot-founder of the monastery later known as St-Lery on the Doneff River.
- + St Leopardus, martyr, he was of the household of Julian the Apostate. He was beheaded at Rome, and his body was subsequently taken to Aix-la- Chapelle.
- + St Midan or Nidan. Two of those who accompanied St Kentigern on his return from Cymru (Wales) to Strathclyde were Saints Nidan and Finan. Nidan is still remembered in Wales, having had his name attached to the parish of Llanidan on the Menai Strait in Anglesea. He was the grandson of Pasgen, son of Urien Rheged, and was thus a cousin of St Kentigern who was the son of Owain, another of Urien's sons. This might suggest that he may have been one of St Mungo's companions when he journeyed to Wales to escape from the dangers which threatened his safety in the kingdom of Strathclyde. It is also said that Nidan followed his master as Abbot of the Andat (parent community) of Kynor near Huntly. The two churches bearing Nidan's name, at Strathdon and Midmar, are certainly of ancient origin. Both, interestingly, lie near to, or as part of, a motte of Norman origin. There was a chapel within the walls of the Norman motte and bailey at Invernochty which is known to have served as the parish church for many years. However, the mound is known as the Doune of Invernochty - doune, from the Celtic word dun, a fort, tells us that this was a seat of power for the Picts long before the Anglo-Norman infiltration of Alba. It is entirely probable then that this dun would have been an irresistible magnet to the missionaries who came with Kentigern and who looked to found their churches at important Pictish settlements. At Midmar, the church lies a little to the east of a mound known as the Cunningar which served as the centre of administration for that part of the Pictish province of Mar known as Midmar. Somewhat to the north of this site there is a very ancient druidic stone circle with its recumbent stone. Obviously, this was an important centre of population for the local Pictish tribes and would have been a natural focus for the missionary work of Nidan. In the same way, Nidan's colleague St Finan established a church at another of the important administration centres of the province at Migvie, from which Cromar was governed.
- + St Ralph or Rudolf Crockett, Christian priest, martyred, murdered, by the Maranos and the Maranocracy illegally occupying England for refusing to submit to the Prostitute Elizabeth Boleyn as 3rd Pope of England and for refusing to become Satanist and Traitor. Ralph or Rudolf was educated at Christ College at Cambridge and at Glouscester Hall at the University of Oxford in England, then taught at Tibnam in Norfolk, England, and then at Littlehampton in Sussex, England. He studied for the priesthood at the seminary at Reims, France, and was ordained in 1585. Returning to England to minister to covert Christians during the Satanic depredations of the Prostitute Elizabeth Boleyn, he was seized on board ship at Littlehampton on April 19, 1586, kept in Marshalsea in London where he languised for over two years before finally being murdered on September 30, 1588 at Chichester in West Sussex in England.
- + St Simon, Count of Crepy, monk at the Condat Monastery.
- + St Sophia, widow, mother of the holy virgins Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity.
- + St Teresa of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, commonly called Teresa of Lisieux and also called the "The Little Flower of Jesus," baptized as Maria Francisca Teresa Martin, born January 2, 1873, died in the Lord, September 30, 1897. Pope St Pius X called her "the greatest saint of modern times" as indeed she is, right besides St John Bosco, Pope St Pius X himself, and St Joaquim Saenz y Arriaga. Her feast day in the General Roman Calendar is October 3, however the Satanist Vatican2 sect pretends to have changed it in 1969 to October 1. Only Satanists will celebrate October 1 as her "feast."
- Anwar Al-Awlaki or Al-Aulaqi, damned September 30, 2011.
- George Whitefield or Whitfield, damned September 30, 1770.
- Hubert Languet, damned September 30, 1581.
- Iftikhar Hussain Ansari, damned September 30, 2014.
- Joseph Mary Morelos Pavon, traitor, apostate, born September 30, 1765, damned December 22, 1815.
Most Holy Mary, Mother of God, and our Mother, and all you Saints, Fathers and Mothers, Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins, Popes, Bishops, Doctors, Abbots, Priests, Brothers and Sisters, Hermits, Monks, Teachers and Evangelists and Missionaries, Champions and Heroes of Jesus Christ, whose feasts is today, named and unnamed, we pray to you for your intercession and guidance, lead us away from error and evil and into the Grace and Love of God, that with your assistance, we may join you in Eternity with the Living God, we make this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who Lives and Reigns, in the Unity of the Godhead, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, forever and ever, Amen.Lúcío Mascarenhas.
Ministério Metamorfose: O Caminho dos Santos de Lúcío Mascarenhas.