
Showing posts from July, 2021

Julh-31-acem Sogglem Santam

Saints of the Day, July 31, 2021 The Slaves of Satan, Prince of Darkness, again have their way, so that I can not do an exhaustive research and list of the Saints of today. Page URL: . ST PETER CHRYSOLOGUS St Peter Chrysologus was historically recorded as having died December 2, 450. For that reason, from his Canonization as a Doctor of the Church in 1729, his feast was kept for December 4, the then earliest free date on the liturgical calendar. Modern "historians" allege that he died July 31. In October 1958, Pope Pius XII died. A group of Non-Catholics, Modernist Liberal Protestants, seized the Vatican. They openly reject the First Commandment, reject what the Catholic Church has always and unchangeably taught, instead teaching that all gods are one, all religions are true, all ways, "if walked in faithfulness," lead to Eternal Salvation. These are Satanists. In 1969, ...

Julh-30-acem Sogglem Santam

Saints of the Day, July 30, 2021 The Slaves of Satan, Prince of Darkness, again have their way, so that I can not do an exhaustive research and list of the Saints of today. Page URL: . ST PETER CHRYSOLOGUS July 30 is not the "feast" of St Peter Chrysologus. His death was historically recorded as December 2, 450. For that reason, from his Canonization as a Doctor of the Church in 1729, his feast was kept for December 4. Modern "historians" allege that he died July 31. In October 1958, Pope Pius XII died. A group of Non-Catholics, Modernist Liberal Protestants seized the Vatican. They openly reject the First Commandment, reject what the Catholic Church has always and unchangeably taught, instead teaching that all gods are one, all religions are true, all ways, "if walked in faithfulness," lead to Eternal Salvation. These are Satanists. In 1969, these Satanists have...

Julh-29-acem Sogglem Santam

July 29 The Slaves of Satan, Prince of Darkness, again have their way, so that I can not research and publish the Saints of today. July 29: Our Lady of Deliverance, Madrid, Spain «Devotion to Mary under the above title is one of the most ancient of all Marian devotions. It was the city of Madrid, in Spain, that became the scene of its popularization. During the Spanish wars which occasioned the people to seek refuge in the New World, a looting soldier carried off a statue from one of the shrines in Madrid. The image was a beautiful little statue that depicted Mary cuddling at her breast the Infant Jesus whom she was lovingly nursing. A poor peasant returning from the fields after making a visit to the shrine, recognized the statue in the possession of the drunken soldier. He bought the statue for a small sum of money, and carried it home to enshrine it in his humble cottage. It chanced that this man's wife was nearing childbirth, so daily the couple knelt before the statue...

Julh-28-acem Sogglem Santam

The Slaves of Satan, Prince of Darkness, again have their way, so that I can not research and publish the Saints of today.

Julh-27-acem Sogglem Santam

Julh-27-acem Sogglem Santam. Santancem Vatt: Julh 27-cem Sogglem Santam. (Concannim). O Caminho dos Santos: Os Santos e festas da Dia 27 de Julho. (Portugej). The Way of the Saints: All Saints of July 27. (Waspish). Page URL: . Saudações! A Paz de Jesus Cristo esteja com você! Boas festas de Nossa Senhora, Maria Sempre Virgem, Mãe de todos os Cristãos, sob o título de Nossa Senhora do Monte Filermo e dos Santos Mártires de Cuncolim em Goa no Portugal Ultramar ocupada ilegalmente pela India, do Papa São Celestino Primo e dos Santos Pantaleão de Biseglia, Pantaleão de Nicomédia e Erlembaldo. The Peace of Jesus Christ be with you! Happy feasts of Our Lady of Mount Philermus, of the Holy Martyrs of Cuncolim in Goa, of Pope St Celestinus I, and of Saints Pantaleon of Biseglia, Pantaleon of Nicomedia and Erlembald! MAJOR FEASTS Our Lady of Mount Philermus. The Holy Martyrs ...

Julh-26-acem Sogglem Santam

Julh-26-acem Sogglem Santam. Santancem Vatt: Julh 26-cem Sogglem Santam. (Concannim). O Caminho dos Santos: Os Santos e festas da Dia 26 de Julho. (Portugej). The Way of the Saints: All Saints of July 26. (Waspish). Page URL: . Saudações! A Paz de Jesus Cristo esteja com você! Boas festas das Santos Joaquim e Ana, das Nossa Senhora da Fé de Canchy e da Nossa Senhora das Faias, dos Santos Joao e Jorge e de Tito Brandsma! The Peace of Jesus Christ be with you! Happy feasts of Saints Joaquim and Anne, and of Our Lady, our Mother Mary, under the titles of Our Lady of the Faith of Canchy and Our Lady of the Beeches, and Saints John Ingram, George Swallowell, and Titus Brandsma! MAJOR FEASTS St Titus Brandsma St Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. Today is the day of her heavenly birth, Dies Natalis. This day is celebrated as the Feast of Saints Joaquim and Anne, parents of Our Lady, Mary...