Julh-26-acem Sogglem Santam
Julh-26-acem Sogglem Santam.
Santancem Vatt: Julh 26-cem Sogglem Santam. (Concannim).
O Caminho dos Santos: Os Santos e festas da Dia 26 de Julho. (Portugej).
The Way of the Saints: All Saints of July 26. (Waspish).
Page URL: https://ocaminhodossantos.blogspot.com/2021/07/julh-26-acem-sogglem-santam.html.
Saudações! A Paz de Jesus Cristo esteja com você! Boas festas das Santos Joaquim e Ana, das Nossa Senhora da Fé de Canchy e da Nossa Senhora das Faias, dos Santos Joao e Jorge e de Tito Brandsma!
The Peace of Jesus Christ be with you! Happy feasts of Saints Joaquim and Anne, and of Our Lady, our Mother Mary, under the titles of Our Lady of the Faith of Canchy and Our Lady of the Beeches, and Saints John Ingram, George Swallowell, and Titus Brandsma!
St Titus Brandsma- St Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. Today is the day of her heavenly birth, Dies Natalis. This day is celebrated as the Feast of Saints Joaquim and Anne, parents of Our Lady, Mary, Mother of God.
- Saints John Ingram and George Swallowell.
- St Titus Brandsma.
26. Notre Dame de la Foi. Our Lady of Faith. Canchy, near Abbeville, France. "This image, having been removed from the oak where it wass, into a chapel which was built for it, fifty yards off, was miraculously found again in its former place. (Archives of Canchy.)"
cJuly 26: Our Lady of Faith (Notre-Dame-de-Foy, or Notre-Dame-de-Foi)
«In the fields, between the Rondel wood and the road to Rouen Saint Omer, there is a very venerated chapel dedicated to our Lady of Faith. We are assured that this Chapel already existed at the time of the battle of Crecy, as the army of Philip VI of Valois went past the church as they made their way to the battle of Crecy in 1346. Devotion to this chapel and our Lady of Faith began when a miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary was discovered in the hollow of a tree in the forest of Crecy. This famous statue still exists. On one occasion, a father, whose child had died, came to Amiens carrying the lifeless body of his infant son. The child had been baptized out of necessity by the hands of his grandmother. The father arrived at the church of the convent during the celebration of Holy Mass. He set the child before the image of Our Lady of Faith, and the little corpse revived before the wondering eyes of the faithful during the Elevation. The chaplain of the queen-mother, who was a former canon of the cathedral, split the press of people and inquired whether the child had been baptized. On the negative reply of the father, who falsely believed the grandmother’s baptism had been invalid, the priest renewed the sacramental rite and gave the name of Augustine to the happy child of the Blessed Virgin. Sometime after the miracle, the child died again and was buried in the cemetery of St James. After thirteen days the body was exhumed, and there was no sign of any corruption. During the plague of 1634 which ravaged Amiens, the people of the town processed with the image of Our Lady of Foy, and the bishop presided over the ceremony and celebrated the Pontifical Mass. The plague ceased. In the year 1636 the noble ladies were frequently seen with their maids of honor praying before the holy image, and Cardinal Richelieu who attend the litanies that were sung every day in this blessed sanctuary. In addition, the brotherhood, established under the title of Our Lady of Foy, included a number of high ranking personages, including King Louis XIII, Anne of Autriclhe, King Louis XIV, Queen Marie-Therese, King Louis XV, as well as the members of the noblest and most illustrious families of Picardy. The religious association had chosen as its main feast the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin, a mystery that recalls so perfectly the incomparable faith of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All of these prodigies had an immense effect, and the number of extraordinary favors soon became considerable. The miraculous Madonna of Foy drew the faithful more than ever in all their necessities. The image of Our Lady of Foy was hidden to protect it from the Satanists during the time of the falsely so-called "French Revolution." In 1878, Bishop Battle, of pious memory, celebrated Mass at Notre-Dame de Foy, and the restoration of this cult was finally decided. Soon the venerable Chapter, supported by the bishop, asked the Pope to deign to re-open the treasure of indulgences. Many devotions and pilgrimages were once again made in her honor, and candles were constantly kept burning before her image. Every August 15, the Feast of the Assumption, there again resumed public recitation of Litanies along with processions as the people showed their love and appreciation for their Heavenly Mother. Since then Our Lady of Faith constantly gathers new testimonies of love by her precious favors.»July 26, 1672: Our Lady of the Beech or Madonna del Faggio in Castelluccio, in the province of Bologna, in Emilia Romagna
Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Beeches«On July 26, 1672 the Blessed Virgin appeared to a shepherd boy in the beech forests of the Bolognese Apennines near Castelluccio in central Italy, and told him that she wished to be venerated at a certain place . The child, following Our Lady's instructions, discovered a terracotta statue of Our Lady in the hollow of one of the trees. The tiny statue, barely 18 centimetres tall (7 inches) was moved to a wayside shrine, called Madonna del Rio Scorticato from the location, and then, in 1722, to its own mountain sanctuary. Since 1756, an annual pilgrimage on Ascension Day brings the image to the town and back again, and on St Anne’s day, July 26, a procession goes to the site of the beech tree where the statue had been originally found, although the tree itself is no longer there as it fell during a storm.» - + The Holy Martyrs of Lancaster Saints Edward Thwing and Robert Nutter, Christian priests, martyred, murdered, July 26, 1600, by the Criminals, Satanists, Traitors, Apostates and Usurpers of England, Maranos and Freemasons, for refusing to worship Satan, refusing to be traitors, refusing to accept the "Kings of England," particularly Henry VIII's incestous daughter-granddaughter, the bastard and prostitute Elizabeth Boleyn, as "Pope of England." Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Orange Saints Elizabeth Teresa de Consolin, Clare of St Rosalia, baptized as Mary Clare du Bac, Catherine of Jesus, baptized as Mary Magdalene Justamond, Augustina, baptized as Mary Margaret Bonnet, Anne of St Basil, French Ursuline nuns, martyred, murdered, July 26, 1794, at Orange, in the Vaucluse, France, by the Fanatical Criminals, Satanists, Traitors, Apostates and Usurpers of France, Maranos and Freemasons, for refusing to worship Satan, refusing to be traitors, refusing to accept the illegal Cleptocracy of the "Revolutionary Government of France," as "Popes of France." Beatified May 10, 1925 by Pope Pius XI. Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Porto Saints Hyacinth and Donatus, martyrs at Porto, they were first thrown into the fire, and then precipitated into a stream without being injured. Afterwards, under the emperor Traianus, they were martyred by being struck with the sword by the ex-consul Leontius, July 26, 110. Their bodies were buried by the matron Julia, on her own estate near Rome.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Rome Saints Symphronius, Olympius, Theodulus, and Exuperia, and Others, who, as we read in the Acts of Pope St Stephen, were burnt alive on the Via Latia, and thus obtained the palm of martyrdom. Olympius was a tribune, Exuperia was his wife, and Theodulus was their son. They were brought to revert by their slave Symphronius. All four were seized and martyred, murdered, in Odium Dei by the Satanists, under Valerian. In the time of Pope St Stephen I, under Valerianus and Gallienus, a large number of Christians hid themselves in their homes, others acquired the palm of martyrdom, due to a new "law" that said that whoever discovered a Christian came into possession of all his possessions. Symphronius was the steward of St Nemesius who had just been imprisoned as a Christian. Valerian sent a tribune, Olympius, to induce Symphronius to worship the demons. Symphronius too refused to sacrifice to the demons and by his prayers, the idol presented to him liquefied. Olympius, struck with amazement, related this miracle to his wife Exuperia, and they and their son Theodulus requested Symphronianus to instruct and initiate them into the true faith. Pope St Stephen catechized and baptized them with all those of the house of Olympius who had received the Faith. When Valerian and Gallien heard these events, they went into a great fury and had Symphronius, Olympius and all his household burned to death on the the Latin Way.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Spain Saints Alexius Michael Rossell, Amadeus Amalric Rasclosa, Amadeus Costa Prat, Amantius Marín Mínguez, Angel Cantador González, Anthony James Secases, Anthony Cerdá Cantavella, Francis Vidal Sanuy, Gumersind Valtierra Alonso, Josephh Elcano Liberal, Joseph Badía Minguella, Joseph Casademont Vila, Joseph Civit Timoneda, Joseph Maria Jordá i Jordá, Joseph Masquef Ferré, Louis Plana Rabugent, Manuel Jové Bonet, Manuel Martín Sierra, Michael Oscoz Arteta, Michael Vilatimó Costa, Onesimus Agorreta Zabaleta, Paul Gili Pedrós, Paul Roselló Borgueres, Peter Caball Juncà, Marianus of St Joseph, baptized as James Altolaguirre y Altolaguirre, Senen López Cots, Theophilus Casajús Alduán, Vincent Burrel Enjuanes, Vincent Pinilla Ibáñez, Vincent Vázquez Santos, Xavier Amargant Boada and Xavier Sorribas Dot, martyred, murdered in different places in Spain by the Criminals, Satanists, Traitors, Apostates and Usurpers of Spain, Maranos and Freemasons, for refusing to worship Satan, refusing to be traitors, refusing to accept the illegal Cleptocracy of the "Government of Republican Spain." Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope.
- + Saints Benignus and Charus also called Lazarus, Augustinian hermits in the Malcestine area on the shore of Lake Garda near Verona, Italy about 800. Known for their piety, deep prayer lives and wisdom, they were much sought spiritual guides.
- + Saints Evangelus Albert and Peregrinus, 13th century Augustinian priests and hermits in the area of Verona, of noble Veronese families, while the city was tyrannized by Ezzelino, between 1226 and 1259. Taken by nature from the earliest years to piety and recollection, as soon as they met, they formed a deep friendship. They attended the same teacher with great profit and with great devotion the same church, the Augustinian church of Santa Maria di Montorio, about seven kilometers from the city. One night, in a dream, the Virgin presented them with the characteristic Augustinian habit, inviting them to embrace that Order. They were welcomed there without difficulty. With harsh penances they overcame the terrible temptations of the devil and the enticements of the world. They preferred to pray outdoors, on their knees, even in winter: to the prior, who asked why, they had to confess that they were drawn to the frequent vision of the Virgin, the same one they had seen before, in a dream. These graces of prayer were accompanied by the gift of miracles, which attracted crowds of needy around the two monks. Yet, although they had received the priesthood, they wanted for themselves the humblest services of the monastery, those usually left to lay friars. Evangelus, warned by an angel that he would soon die, only suffered from having to leave his friend. Seized by sudden death, in chorus, during the divine officiatures, not long afterwards he appeared to Peregrinus to announce that he too would soon finish his earthly pilgrimage. Their bodies rest in St Euphemia of Verona. They were transported there in 1262, when the Augustinians of Santa Maria di Montorio came to settle in the city in the church of St Euphemia. First placed under the altar of St Anne, those remains, but in 1637, their remains were translated to the church of St Augustine. They remained there until 1796, when the church was requisitioned by the French and transformed into a military hospital. They returned there in 1807 and were placed in the Chapel of the Angels, to pass on March 20, 1836 under the main altar, where they still rest today. On November 17, 1837, Pope Gregory XVI recognized them the title of blessed; on that occasion they were proclaimed protectors of the Veronese nobility. They are now commemorated by the Veronese Church on July 27, but before the reform of the Diocesan Proper they were celebrated on March 20, with a double rite and their own lessons.
- + St Andrew. He was born in 1626, in the village of Phu Yen in Annam, his Christian father died soon after his birth, so he was educated by his mother Joana with wisdom and care. The French Jesuit missionary Father Alexandre de Rhodes (1591-1660), welcomed him among his students at the insistence of her mother. In 1641, at the age of fifteen, he received baptism together with his mother; in the following year the young Andrew became part of the group of the closest collaborators of Rhodes, starting the course for catechists in the Association called "Maison Dieu", The House of God; the members formulated a promise, with which they formally and publicly committed themselves to always be at the service of the Church, in helping priests and spreading the Gospel. The catechist Andrew distinguished himself for his spontaneity and preparation, for his genuine faith and evangelical commitment, which certainly formed the basis for courageously facing martyrdom. In 1644 the governor Ong Ngo Bo returned to the province of Quang Nam where Andrea lived, bearing the order of the king of Annam, instigated by his concubine Tong-Thi-Taoim, a bitter enemy of Catholicism, to prevent the spread of Christianity. Father Rhodes, unaware of the new orders of the king of Annam, went to the palace to pay a courtesy visit to the Governor. The Governor warned Father Rhodes of the king's anger, for the large number of Vietnamese who adhered to the religion he preached, ordering him to leave Vietnam and return to Macao; the local Christian subjects, if they persevered, they were guilty and deserved very severe penalties. Father Rhodes came out of the palace, warned the catechists and went to the prison to support the 73-year-old catechist named Andrew, who had been arrested a couple of days earlier. While there, the guards sent by the Governor, entered his mission to look for the head of the catechists Ignatius, already a high magistrate of the country; but they did not find him because he was outside the city, in order not to return empty-handed, they took the eighteen year old catechist Andrew and after having beaten and bound him, they loaded him on a river boat and took him to the palace of the Governor. On the evening of July 25, 1644, the younger Andrew was brought before the Governor, where like the intrepid and heroic martyrs of the early times, he responded to the accusations and invitations to renounce the True Faith, professing his faith and the intention to resist the torments that they wanted to inflict on him. Angered, the Governor imposed on him the Cochinese cross, a kind of crossed pillory, around his neck and sent him back to prison, the same where the older Andrew was being held. There they received a visit from Father Rhodes the next morning, exchanging promises to pray for each other. In the morning the two Andrews, the old and the young, were taken from the prison of the city of Quang Nam and, oppressed by the Cochinese cross, they were led as criminals along the streets, crossing the market of Ke Cham, to introduce themselves at the public audience of the Governor, where the young catechist was sentenced to death and returned to prison. The older Andrew, 73 years old, was released due to his advanced age and due to the interest of the Portuguese merchants. Around 5 pm on July 26, 1644, the soldiers took Andrew from prison and took him to the place of execution, followed by Father Rhodes and numerous Portuguese and Vietnamese Christians. The young man, serene in the face, greeted and encouraged everyone, happy to end his short life with martyrdom. Late in the evening, he was pierced by a few blows of a spear in his left side and as an executioner was about to behead him with a scimitar, he exclaimed aloud the name of Jesus. His embalmed body was transferred to Macao, but the venerated relic of the head of the first martyr of Vietnam remained with Father Rhodes for the entire time he remained in the country, then it was sent to Rome to the Jesuits, where it is still today. When the ship transporting his relics was attacked by pirates, it struck a rock, and a hole was torn in the hull. A large stone rolled into the gap, held out the water, and the ship was able to deliver its cargo. His body is in the College of the Society of Jesus in Macao while his head is in the Jesuit headquarters in Rome. Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope.
- + St Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. Today is the day of her heavenly birth, Dies Natalis. This day is celebrated as the Feast of Saints Joaquim and Anne, parents of Our Lady, Mary, Mother of God. Tradition says that while he was away from home, he and Anne each received a message from an angel that she was pregnant, they rushed to meet each other, and met near the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. The tomb of Saints Joaquim and Anne was rediscovered in Jerusalem in 1889.
- + St Austind, bishop of Auch. He was a Benedictine monk and then elected abbot, at St Oren’s Abbey, Auch. He instituted the Cluniac reform at Saint Oren’s. Archbishop of Auch in 1041. Helped restore Christian life in his and his suffragan dioceses following the Saracen invasion of Spain. Had to struggle with princes and civil authorities to keep Church rights, prerogatives and property.
- + St Bartholemea Capitanio, virgin, her birthday today in the Lord, at Lovere in the diocese of Brescia. She founded the Sisters of Charity, dedicated to teaching the young. Pope Pius XII added her name to the catalogue of holy virgins.
- + St Camilla Gentili, martyr. A member of the noble Grassi family, lords of Rovellone and by Brandina, she was a friend and supporter of the future Pope Benedict XIV. At the behest of the family, she married the nobleman Baptist Santucci, a violent and quarrelsome man. Camilla's husband poured out the hatred he had for all the members of the Grassi family, on his mother-in-law Brandina and on his wife, a meek woman, submissive and esteemed by all for her kindness. Blamed for the murder of Peter Grassi in 1482, Battista saved his life thanks to the personal intervention and prayers of Camilla. Despite this, his hatred towards the Grassi did not subside, on the contrary it grew to the point of prohibiting his wife from having contact with her mother Brandina. Realizing that his prohibition had not been respected, on July 26, 1486, Baptist, with feigned tenderness invited Camilla to accompany him to the Uvaiolo, a place where he owned a farm, to spend a few hours in serenity. There he took out a dagger and struck Camilla first in the throat and then in the breast, while she raised her prayer of forgiveness and love to the Lord. Baptist committed the grave crime and tried to escape but found that he was unable to move. The crime was immediately discovered, arousing indignation and pity. Camilla's body was buried in the church of Santa Maria del Mercato (the current church of San Domenico) where the Gentili family was buried. From the beginning her tomb was a destination for pilgrimages for the graces and wonders granted to those who resorted to her protection. A devotee of St Camilla was Prosperus Cardinal Lambertini, bishop of Bologna, who later became pope with the name of Benedict XIV. On January 15, 1841 Pope Gregory XVI proclaimed her a Beatus. Her liturgical feast is set for July 27.
- + St Erastus, bishop of Philippi in Macedonia, martyr, The treasurer of the city of Corinth, he was brought to revert by St Paul the Apostle. Assisted Paul, especially around Corinth. He was appointed bishop of Philippi by St Paul, and there crowned with martyrdom.
- + St Furadhran, an Irish bishop, his history is lost.
- + St George Swallowell. He was a Protestant minister of Houghton Spring, England, when he visited a Christian layman imprisoned for his faith. George began a doctrinal debate with the man, a contest he soon found himself losing, when the Christian pointed out the absurdity of claiming that "Queen Elizabeth I" was "Pope of England," George began to recognise the fallacy of his own beliefs. Not long afterwards, he mounted the pulpit of his church to announce that he had been in error in professing the Protestant religion, and would no longer lead services there. He was quickly jailed. In July of 1594, George was tried together with two Catholic priests, Saints John Boste and John Ingram. Seized with fear, George agreed to conform to the Protestant religion. Father Boste turned to him and asked, "George Swallowell, what have you done?" Immediately George repented of his lapse and repudiated his preceding words, declaring that he would die in the same faith as that of the priests. Father Boste turned to him again and placing his hand upon his head, absolved him in open court. George was martyred, murdered, at Darlington in England, July 26, 1594, by the Criminals, Satanists, Traitors, Apostates and Usurpers of England, Maranos and Freemasons, for refusing to worship Satan, refusing to be traitors, refusing to accept the "Kings of England," particularly Henry VIII's incestous daughter-granddaughter, the bastard and prostitute Elizabeth Boleyn, as "Pope of England." Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope.
- + St Germanus, bishop of Auxerre, Confessor https://www.bartleby.com/210/7/262.html
- + St Gerontius, a hermit in the desert mountains of the Scete of St Anne, near the monastery of St Panteleimon (St Pantaleon), in Egypt.
- + St Gothalm, a monk of Melk in Austria, his birthday today in the Lord, July 26, 1020, his grave became renowned for miracles.
- + St John Ingram, a Christian priest, martyred, murdered, at Gateshead in England, July 26, 1594, by the Criminals, Satanists, Traitors, Apostates and Usurpers of England, Maranos and Freemasons, for refusing to worship Satan, refusing to be traitors, refusing to accept the "Kings of England," particularly Henry VIII's incestous daughter-granddaughter, the bastard and prostitute Elizabeth Boleyn, as "Pope of England." Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ingram_(martyr)
- + St Joris the Armenian, a bishop, died while on pilgrimage, at Bethune in France, July 26, 1033.
- + St Moses the Hungarian, was a monk in Kievan Rus of Hungarian origin. Moses was born around 990–995. Although the Hungarians were mostly pagan at the time (though they later became Christians), the Hungarian chieftain Gyula of Transylvania was baptized in Constantinople. This probably made it possible for Moses to leave Transylvania to serve the princely family in Kiev. Between 1015 and 1018, already preparing to become a monk, he was an escort of Predslava, the daughter of Vladimir I of Kiev and sister of the future Prince Yaroslav I the Wise. Following the Polish expedition of 1018, he was carried to Poland as a prisoner and could only return in 1025. Moses spent the rest of his life in the Kiev Lavras Monastery. Today is his birthday in the Lord, July 26, 1043.
- + St Marcel Gaucher Labiche de Reignefort, Peter Joseph le Groing de la Romagere, Christian priests, martyred, murdered, at Rochefort in France, July 26, 1794, by the Fanatical Criminals, Satanists, Traitors, Apostates and Usurpers of France, Maranos and Freemasons, for refusing to worship Satan, refusing to be traitors, refusing to accept the illegal Cleptocracy, the "Revolutionary Government of France," as "Pope of France" under the "Civil Constitution of the Clergy." Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope.
- + St Hugh, also called Hugo de Actis (in Italian, Ugo degli Atti), a Benedictine monk, student of St Sylvester Guzzolini, his birthday today in the Lord, July 26, 1250 at Sassoferrato.
- + St Parasceva, the daughter of the wealthy Christians Politea and Agathon, and was born after much praying by them for a child. She was unusually well educated for a girl of her time. When her parents died, she gave her property to the poor and became an persuasive, itinerant preacher. During a time of persecutions by Roman and Jewish officials, she brought many to Christianity. Arrested for her faith and her success in the persecutions of Antoninus Pius. She was tortured to make her renounce her faith; she declined. Thrown into a vat of boiling oil, she stood in it unharmed. The emperor asked if she had cooled the oil by magic; she scooped up a handful and threw it in his eyes, burning and blinding him. The emperor screamed for mercy; Parasceva called out the named of Jesus, and the emperor was instantly healed. This miracle moved Antoninus to end the persecution of Christians until his death in 161. Parasceva resumed her preaching, and upon Antoninus’ death, imperial Rome under Marcus Aurelius resumed persecution of the Christians. The Roman governor Asclepius threw her into a pit with a poisonous snake; she make the sign of the cross over the creature, it split in two like it was cut with a sword, and she converted Asclepius and many of his court. Dragged before the governor Tarasius, she began to preach. She was tortured to make her deny God; she replied to each question or order with the word Christ. Her tormentors finally gave up, and she was martyred by beheading, July 26, 180, at Thessalonica. She is often confused with the Gaulish martyr at Rome St Veneranda whose story is very similar.
- + St Pastor, priest, brother of Pope St Pius I, his birthday today in the Lord, at Borne. His name is used to designate a cardinal's title in the church of St Pudentiana, on the Viminal hill.
- + St Simon or Simeon, an Armenian, his birthday today in the Lord in the Benedictine monastery near Mantua, he was a pilgrim to Jerusalem, Rome, Compostella and Tours, he became a Benedictine monk at the Padolirone Abbey in Mantua, mid-way between Milan and Padua, today is his birthday in the Lord, at an advanced age, July 26, 1016, he was renowned as a wonderworker.
- + St Titus Brandsma, baptized as Anno Sjoera Brandsma, martyred, murdered, July 26, 1942, by the German Nazi Infidels, at Dachau in Bavaria. Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope.
- + St Toman of Mungret, no information.
- + St Valens, bishop of Verona, confessor.
- + St William Webster, a Christian priest, martyred, murdered, at Tyburn in England, July 26, 1641, by the Criminals, Satanists, Traitors, Apostates and Usurpers of England, Maranos and Freemasons, for refusing to worship Satan, refusing to be traitors, refusing to accept the "Kings of England," as "Popes of England." He was beatified in 1929. Not yet canonized by a Catholic pope.
- Anne Bosmans OCist Nazareth in the Austrian Netherlands, now Belgium, died July 26, 1600.
- Anne de Vargas OSD.
- Anthony Graesen van Rode OPraem July 26 1584.
- Appion.
- Archangelus Piacentini of Calatafimi OFM Alcamo in Sicily, died July 26, 1460.
- Arsenius, bishop of Constantinople, from 1016 to his death, July 26, 1024.
- Athanasia or Pa'esa, an Egyptian prostitute in Alexandria, turned penitent and hermit in the Scete desert.
- Baldus OFM of Gubbio.
- Baptist of Cugnano, OFM Theatine, seems to have been martyred by the Muslim Infidels in Morocco, July 26, 1510.
- Beatus of Triet, a priest.
- Camilla Pica, a Franciscan virgin of Carpi.
- Christianus, a Cistercian hermit at Chartres.
- Delitia of Gioanni, OSD Palermo.
- Diateria, a virgin and martyr at Milan.
- Ebrulf also called Evrols or Evroult, abbot of Beauvais.
- Effleda, an English nun.
- Eleutherius, bishop of Auxerre, from 533 to his death July 26, 561.
- Emygdius or Emidius, bishop of Ascoli in the Piceno, martyr July 26, 304.
- Eoban or Eaba or Eobo, bishop of Utrecht, martyr at Dokkum, July 26, 753-754.
- Francis Trifon Lopez, OFM, died at Jerusalem, July 26, 1857.
- Francis of Larino, died in Palestine, July 26, 1655.
- Francis of Terranova, OFM, died at Rome, July 26, 1597.
- Francis Moyoronis, OFM, died at Piacenza July 26, 1325.
- Fredebert, bishop of Agen in France.
- Fusca, a virgin and martyr at Ravenna around 250.
- Gratius (Garcia) of Vera, Spanish monk and military leader in the Reconquista.
- Glisent or Glisens, a hermit in Brescia.
- Gloriosa, a martyr at Laodicea now Latakia in Syria under Diocletian, July 26, 303.
- Gundisalvus or Gonsalo the Sailer, Franciscan, of Mertola in Portugal.
- Horeozele, a virgin and martyr at Byzantium around 250.
- Ivo Belhuec OPraem, died July 26, 1664.
- John Iraizos, seems to be the Peruvian Jesuit John Manuel de Iraizós Castro, date of decease not known. His brother Francis Xavier Iraizos, died 1752 in St Peter of the Canisians, in Peru, seems to certainly be a Saint.
Historical events
Collective of Martyrs and IsoMartyrs
Collective of Saints not Martyrs and IsoMartyrs
Individual Saints
DAMNED, see Unam Sanctam and Cantate Domino of the Holy Council of Florence.
- George Preca, July 26, 1962.
- Jacob Netsetov, a Russian Aleutian heretic and schismatic, damned July 26, 1864.
- Sava or Sabbas III, schismatic and heretic patriarch of the Serbs, died July 26, 1309.
Most Holy Mary, Mother of God, and our Mother, and all you Saints, Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Popes, Archbishops, Bishops, Hermits, Monks, Martyrs, Virgins, Champions and Heroes of Jesus Christ, whose feasts is today, named and unnamed, we pray to you for your intercession and guidance, lead us away from error and evil and into the Grace and Love of God, that with your assistance, we may join you in Eternity with the Living God, we make this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who Lives and Reigns, in the Unity of the Godhead, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, forever and ever, Amen.
Lúcío Mascarenhas.
![]() Mary, Mother of All Christians, Most Powerful Intercessor with her son, Jesus Christ |
"What doth it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul?"
No one can be saved, and go to heaven, unless he confess that Jesus Christ is God, that Jesus Alone is God, in the Trinity, and that the Church He established and guaranteed, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic (Roman) Church, under the lawful successor of St Peter, is the only true Church, that Heretics and Apostates cannot become lawful Popes, that there was a Vacancy in the Papacy from the death of Pope Pius XII, October 28, 1958, and until the election of Pope Michael, July 16, 1990. (See Unam Sanctam and the Council of Florence's Decree for the Jacobites Cantate Domino).
Heaven and Hell are permanent. You can't be lost from Heaven. You can't be saved (recovered) from Hell.
Return to the Catholic Church under His Holiness Pope Michael I.
For Devotional Prayer cards for "Pope St John-Paul II," see https://repairmychurch.blogspot.com/2021/07/the-aarti-controversy.html.