Julh-31-acem Sogglem Santam

Saints of the Day, July 31, 2021

The Slaves of Satan, Prince of Darkness, again have their way, so that I can not do an exhaustive research and list of the Saints of today.
Page URL: https://ocaminhodossantos.blogspot.com/2021/07/julh-31-acem-sogglem-santam.html.


St Peter Chrysologus was historically recorded as having died December 2, 450. For that reason, from his Canonization as a Doctor of the Church in 1729, his feast was kept for December 4, the then earliest free date on the liturgical calendar.

Modern "historians" allege that he died July 31.

In October 1958, Pope Pius XII died. A group of Non-Catholics, Modernist Liberal Protestants, seized the Vatican. They openly reject the First Commandment, reject what the Catholic Church has always and unchangeably taught, instead teaching that all gods are one, all religions are true, all ways, "if walked in faithfulness," lead to Eternal Salvation. These are Satanists. In 1969, these Satanists have pretended to have changed the feast of St Peter Chrysologus from December 4 to July 30.

Only if you believe, with these Satanists, Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger and Bergoglio, that the God of the Bible is the same as the Demons Allah, Buddha, Ganpati, Krishna, Rama, etc., only then can one accept the "Authority" of Non-Catholics to "change " a Catholic liturgical feast, to change the feast of a Catholic Saint!
July 31: Our Lady of the Slain, Ceiça, or Çeiça, near Lorban, Portugal
«The Monastery of Seiça, or of Santa Maria de Seiça, is one of the most cherished religious buildings in Portugal. It is currently in ruins in an advanced state. Over the years, the buildings have undergone successive desecrations. In 1871 it was partially demolished and the stone used for works in a cemetery in Paião. In 1888 it again underwent demolition, this time because of the construction of the railway section of the Linha do Oeste. Around 1900 it was sold to private individuals who turned it into an industrial rice husking unit.... The Monastery of Seiça is found in the parish of Paião, in Figueira da Foz. The history of Seiça intersects with the history of Abbot John, a relative of Portugal's first king Dom Affonso Henriques. He was responsible for the defense of the castle of Montemor-o-Velho, was surrounded by the Moors... Among them was a Garcia Janhes, who had been raised by Abbot John, and who joined the Infidels, denying the Christian faith and assuming the name Zulema. Zulema became one of the most hated enemies of the Christians, and as he was familiar with the region and the castle, he advised the Muslim Infidel invader army on the best way to make the siege, severing all relations between the fortress and the rest of Portugal. The situation seemed hopeless for the Christians, smaller in numbers and without supplies. Seeing themselves in an unsustainable situation, they took some drastic measures: They decided to burn everything they had so that it would not fall into the hands of enemies, and to kill all men and women who, because of their age or condition, could not defend themselves from the enemy. Abbot John set the tone and he himself beheaded his sister Donna Urraca. Once the carnage was over, the besieged people left the castle and fought the Infidels. With nothing to lose and no hope of victory, Abbot John will have been the bravest... devastating everything in front of him, inflicting great damage on the more numerous enemy army and simultaneously giving morale to his followers to emulate him. One of the first victims of the vigor of Abbot John's arm was the Apostate Zulema, the ungrateful pupil, whose is death demoralized the Infidels and, on the other hand, it gave an extra boost to the Christians who became fearless, causing the surviving Infidels to flee in disorder and seek refuge in the thickets on the other side of the Mondego. It was useless for the Infidels to hide... the Christians continued to persue and slay without any mercy any and every infidel they found.... The weariness was already too much and the few surviving Infidels took refuge in Alcoubas, four leagues away from the field of the first battle... when Abbot John's voice was heard: "Cease! Cease!" The Christians obeyed and rested from the enormous struggle on this plain surrounded by hills. They spent the night there and at dawn the following day, messengers from Montemor-o-Velho arrived on the plain, bringing the good news... the unfortunates who had been beheaded the day before were restored to life and in good health. This miracle was received with great joy. Abbot John then decided to renounce Montemor-o-Velho and spend the rest of his days there, being followed by some of his companions. Around 850 he had a chapel built there, which he dedicated to the Virgin. Of this hermitage, which collapsed in 1590, nothing remains. In 1602, in the same place and on the initiative of the Friar Manuel das Chagas, the current chapel of Nossa Senhora de Seiça was rebuilt.» Another narrative: «The Monastery of Seiça, or of Santa Maria de Seiça Capelha da Nossa Senhora da Çeiça or Our Lady of the Slain or of the Murdered is part of a Cistercian monastery in Ceiça, near Lorban, in Portugal. It is related that this image was brought directly from heaven to be given to the Abbot John, who was the uncle of King Afonso I of Portugal. The statue earned its unique title through many spectacular miracles. It is best known for the fact that life was restored to several persons who had been murdered. Interestingly, in memory of these miracles, those who had been raised from the dead would bear, from that time forward, a red mark upon their throats, like that which was then seen on the throat of the image, as related by the Cistercian Chronicles. King Afonso I Henriques, the Conqueror, was the first king of Portugal and a lifelong sworn opponent of Mahomettanism. He spent 46 years as king of Portugal waging war against the Moors in order to drive the invaders from his land. He was also known for his piety and great love for God. A relative of St Bernard of Clairvaux, he bestowed many privileges and benefits upon the religious orders and built the Alcobaca Monastery for the Cistercian Order. He was responsible for the foundation of several monasteries and convents, and was favorable especially toward the Cistercians. King Afonso was not a stranger to the miraculous. Before the battle of Ourique, when Afonso was to meet in battle an overwhelming army of five Moorish kings, he prayed that God would give him the strength to defeat his enemies. He fell asleep, and in his dream a mysterious old man entered his tent to advise him that it was God’s will that he would be victorious in the coming engagement against the Moors. Afterward, he was awakened by his guard, who told him there was an old man waiting outside who wished to speak to him. King Afonso bade him enter, and was startled to see it was the old man from his dream. The old man said: "Alfonso, have confidence, because you will conquer and destroy these infidel kings, you will smash their power and the Lord will appear to you." He then instructed the king to leave his camp that night, without any attendant, at the sound of the church bell ringing from the old man’s hermitage. It was dark, and the night seemed ominous and strangely vacant when King Afonso heard the mournful toll of the bell. He took up his sword and shield and mounted his horse to ride alone from the camp. A heavy cloud cover blotted out the light of the moon and stars when suddenly an intense beam of light illuminated the night from the East, and in this resplendent light a Cross appeared bearing the crucified Christ. King Afonso dismounted and prostrated himself before the image of the King of Kings when he heard a voice telling him that he would indeed be victorious against the Moors. Trusting in God, King Afonso went into battle and won an impressive victory against the five kings. It is said that the Apostle St James the Greater, the Moorslayer, appeared during the battle to guarantee the victory of the Christian army. King Afonso went on to win other great battles against the Moors, doubling the size of the kingdom of Portugal that he had founded.»
At Rome, the birthday of St Ignatius of Loyola, confessor, founder of the Society of Jesus, renowned for sanctity and miracles, and most zealous for propagating the Catholic religion in all parts of the world.

At Caesarea, the martyrdom of the blessed martyr Fabius. As he refused to carry the ensign of the governor of the province, he was thrown into prison for some days, and as he persisted twice in confessing Christ when brought before the judge, he was condemned to capital punishment.

At Milan, during the persecution of Antoninus, St Calimerius, bishop and martyr, who was arrested, covered with wounds, and pierced through the neck with a sword. He terminated his martyrdom by being precipitated into a well.

At Synnada, in Phrygia, the holy martyrs Democritus, Secundus and Denis.

In Syria, three hundred and fifty monks, who became martyrs by being slain by the heretics for defending the Council of Chalcedon.

At Ravenna, the departure from this world of St Germanus, bishop of Auxerre, a man most renowned for his birth, faith, learning, and glorious miracles, who freed England completely from the heretical doctrines of the Pelagians.

At Tagaste, in Africa, St Firmus, bishop, illustrious by a glorious confession of the faith.

At Siena, in Tuscany, the birthday of blessed John Colombini, founder of the Order of the Jesuati, renowned for sanctity and miracles.

At Caesarea in Mauretania, the martyrdom of the blessed martyr Fabius. Because he refused to carry the banners of the governor of the province, he was thrown into prison for some days, and as he persisted twice in confessing Christ when brought before the judge, he was condemned to death.
St Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor

St John Columbini, Confessor

St Helen of Skofde in Sweden, Martyr

St John Colomboni.
St Batho.
St Eurgain
St Colmán of Derrymore
The Saints MacNadfraech

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