Saints of the Day, July 30, 2021
The Slaves of Satan, Prince of Darkness, again have their way, so that I can not do an exhaustive research and list of the Saints of today.
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July 30 is not the "feast" of St Peter Chrysologus.

His death was historically recorded as December 2, 450. For that reason, from his Canonization as a Doctor of the Church in 1729, his feast was kept for December 4.
Modern "historians" allege that he died July 31.
In October 1958, Pope Pius XII died. A group of Non-Catholics, Modernist Liberal Protestants seized the Vatican. They openly reject the First Commandment, reject what the Catholic Church has always and unchangeably taught, instead teaching that all gods are one, all religions are true, all ways, "if walked in faithfulness," lead to Eternal Salvation. These are Satanists. In 1969, these Satanists have pretended to have changed the feast of St Peter Chrysologus from December 4 to July 30.
Only if you believe, with these Satanists, Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger and Bergoglio, that the God of the Bible is the same as the Demons Allah, Buddha, Ganpati, Krishna, Rama, etc., only then can one accept the "Authority" of Non-Catholics to "change " a Catholic liturgical feast, to change the feast of a Catholic Saint!
July 30, 1602 Notre Dame de Gray. Our Lady of Gray. Near Besançon, Franche Comté, France. 1602. "This image made of the oak of Montaigu, was much honored in the country. (Triple Couronne, n. 58.)"
«The shrine of Notre Dame de Gray, or Our Lady of Gray, is located in the city of Gray near Besançon in Northern France near Franche-Comte. The statue of Our Lady of Gray is made of an oak tree from Montaigu, has a black color, and is only 14.5 centimeters tall. It is much honored in the country, and there are many miracles and graces granted to petitioners that are attributed to Our Lady's intercession at this shrine. It is estimated that about five centuries ago, on a hill near Montaigu, a pious person placed a small statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the hollow of an old oak tree. The tree itself is believed to date from the time of the Druids, and stood on one of the hills in the diocese of Malines. Soon the faithful began to come in crowds from throughout the region, for there were miraculous healings and various miracles granted to the pilgrims who invoked Mary under the name of Our Lady of the Oak. In the year 1602 a small wooden chapel was built on the hill of Montaigu. The oak upon which the statue of Our Lady had once been displayed was now cut up into small pieces and carved by a local craftsman into statuettes of the same image. These statues were presented as a mark of respect to patrons of the shrine. Even the wood of the oak was considered almost a precious relic, for it had once touched the miraculous statue of the Blessed Virgin. Wherever they went these figures were enshrined with honor and it seemed as if Our Lady of Montaigu sent her favor, for her miraculous power went with them. In the year 1613 a poor, seventy year old widow named Joana Bonnet de Salins made a pilgrimage to the shrine. She obtained a piece of the venerable old oak, and took ito a sculptor named Jean Brange to carve into a statue similar to that of the original. On April 4, 1613, the Archbishop of Besancon blessed the statue and allowed it to be exhibited for public veneration. It is reported that Joana Bonnet was rewarded by signal graces she obtained through Our Lady's intercession. She intended to give the statue to a local church, but in 1616 yielded to the repeated entreaties of Fr Gabriel Appremont, who wanted to have the image for the Capuchins of Gray. A special chapel was richly decorated to receive it. The news soon spread in the region of Gray and the faithful flocked to pay their respects to the new image of Our Lady of Gray. The statue of Our Lady of Gray holds in her right hand a gleaming scepter of gold that a parishioner donated in the year 1807, when the chapel was being reconstructed after the ravages of the Satanists in the falsely so-called "French Revolution." There are also three semi-precious stones set in the front of the base of the statue that were given by grateful devotees to the Blessed Virgin. Finally, two gold crowns were created in 1909 on the occasion of the celebration of the coronation of the statue of Our Lady of Gray.»
From Wikipedia:
«The Notre Dame de Gray basilica is the parish church of the town of Gray, in the Franche-Comté, a part of the diocese of Besançon. It was rebuilt in the 15th and 16th century in a hybrid of the Gothic & Renaissance styles, on the site of the first church of Our Lady that was destroyed in 1477 during the War of Burgundian Succession. Since 1641 it has housed the heart of Saint Peter Fourier and since 1802 the miraculous statue of Notre Dame de Gray. The possession of these two relics earned it the elevation to a minor basilica on July 16, 1948 by Pope Pius XII.»
At Rome, in the reign of Decius, the holy Persian martyrs Abdon and Sennen, who were bound with chains, brought to Rome, scourged with leaded whips for the faith of Christ, and then put to the sword.
At Tuberbum Lucernarium, in Africa, the holy virgins and martyrs Maxima, Donatilla, and Secunda. The first two, in the persecution of Valerian and Gallienus, were forced to drink vinegar and gall, then scourged most severely, and stretched on the rack, burned on the gridiron, rubbed over with lime, afterwards exposed to the beasts with the virgin Secunda, twelve years old, but being untouched by them, they were finally beheaded.
At Assisi, in Umbria, St Rufinus, martyr.
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, St Julitta, martyr. As she sought to recover through the courts the restitution of goods seized by an influential personage, the latter objected that, being a Christian, her cause could not be pleaded. The judge commanded her to offer sacrifice to the idols, that she might be heard. With great firmness, she refused, and being thrown into the fire, yielded her spirit to God, though her body remained uninjured by the flames. St Basil the Great has proclaimed her praise in an excellent eulogy.
At Auxerre, St Ursus, bishop and confessor.
Saints Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs
St Julitta, Martyr
St Sechnasach of Ceann-locha
St Cobarchair of Gulban gort
St Tatwin of Canterbury
St Ermengytha of Thanet