Agost-26-acem Sogglem Santam

Happy Feast of King St #Melchisedech of Jerusalem, Prophet and High Priest of the Living God.

Other Major Celebrations of August 26: Saints Adrian, son of Emperor Probus, martyred August 26, 320 for reproaching Emperor Licinius for persecuting the Christians, he was buried at Argyopolis by his uncle St Domitius, bishop of Byzantium now Constantinopolis (this Adrian is distinct from St Adrian the Great, husband of St Natalia, and who was martyred along with others, March 4, 306); Anastasius the Fuller, martyr, drowned at sea; Irenaeus & Abundius, martyrs at Rome, drowned in a sewer; the Irish nun Pandwyna in Eltisley in England; Victor, martyred by the Muslim Infidels at Burgos in Spain; the Holy Martyrs of Celano Simplicius and his two sons Constantius and Victorinus or Victorianus, natives of Roman Gaul, martyred at Celano in the Marsica in Italy; Rose of St Mary, Dominican nun at Lima in Peru, her feast is also celebrated on August 30; lastly, Pope St Zephyrinus.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

Omnes sancti Mártyres, oráte pro nobis. (Litaniae Sanctorum).

Response: All praise and thanks and glory be to God, now and forever, Amen.

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