Agost-30-acem Sogglem Santam
Happy Feasts of St Rose of Lima, etc. August 30

- Nossa Senhora Milagrosa de Carquere.
- St Rose of Lima .
- St Margaret Ward .
- St Fantinus the Younger.
- St Fiacre of Breuil.
Flee From Satan's Church
When Pope Pius XII died in October 1958, Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Satanists seized the Vatican Basilica and from there masquerade as the Catholic Church. Catholic Law excludes Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Heretics and Apostates from the Catholic Church, and all their pretended "acts" are null and void. All who observe and pretend to legitimize the Pretensions and Masquerades of these Satanists, thereby certify themselves satanists, and that their "gods" are the Demons Ganpati, Allah, etc., the "gods" of the Accursed Latrocinium of "Vatican2."God Demands Obedience And Excludes All False 'gods'
God's Firewall Against Satan and Satan's Lies of Pretended "New Gospels" eg Montanism, Mahomettanism, Waldensianism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Modernism, etc
Proof of Satanism
Please read this page: Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger & Bergoglio were and are Satanists is evident from the Bible, particularly the First Commandment.
The ability to discern and distinguish between Christians and Satanists is proof of whether one is a Christian or a Satanist.
The refusal to acknowledge that the Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger & Bergoglio were and are Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Satanists and heads of a non-Catholic sect, is proof that one is a Satanist, a public enemy of the Living God.
Proof of Satanism
God, in the Bible, commands the Faithful to flee from the Unclean Things, touch not the unclean things, and to return to the paths of old.August 30: Nossa Senhora de Carquere or Our Lady of Carquere, at Carquere, city of Resende, province of Visieu, Portugal
Carquere in the region of Viseu is a town located in Portugal, some 282 km north of Lisbon. The Sanctuary and Monastery of Our Lady of Carquere, on the river Douro in Portugal, is associated with the miraculous healing of Affonso Henriques, who was to become the first King of Portugal. Afonso Henriques had been born a cripple, paralyzed from the knees down. The knight Egas de Monis was chosen to be his tutor, as at that time children of nobility were given personal tutors to educate and accompany the child throughout their lives. Monis, himself from one of the most prominent families of the region, was also a man of faith, and had a great deal of pity for the young prince. He prayed fervently for his charge, seeking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin that the boy's legs might be straightened through her intercession. His prayers were answered, and his holy intention perfectly fulfilled. One night in about the year 1113, when the prince was four years old, Egas de Monis put him to bed and fell asleep himself. Our Lady appeared and wakened the governor, asking: "Are you asleep?" The governor replied, "Lady, who are you?" "I am the Virgin Mary," she replied, and commanded the governor to go to a particular place in the hills above the Douro River that she indicated to him. "There dig, and you will find a church that, in another time, was started in my name, and you will also find an image of me. Thou shalt place the child overnight on the altar, and he will be cured and made well, because my son wants him to destroy many enemies of the faith." The Governor, comforted and joyful after the apparition, was a man who truly loved his lord. Trusting in God, whom he knew could give the boy strength and vigor, the knight sought out the ruined chapel and found it and the small stone image just as the Blessed Virgin had said. Later, when everything was ready, accompanied by the Queen and her entourage, he carried the young prince to the ancient chapel, intending to place him on the altar to spend the night with him in vigil. Instead, after entering the chapel, the entire entourage fell into a mysterious sleep, excepting the prince, who remained wide awake. The boy sat for a time and watched the candles on the altar burning, and at one point observed that one of them was leaning dangerously. Finally, it fell over and started a fire. Prince Afonso was unable to awaken his mother or his governor, and so climbed up to the altar and put out the fire himself. It was then that he realized he had been cured, and began jumping for sheer joy when he awakened the whole entourage, who gave thanks to Our Lady for the miracle she had granted. Now, the knight Egas Monis gave praises to God and His Blessed Mother, for he would be able to train the prince to ride and in the use of arms so that he might become a great warrior, as God desired. He had a new church built there which became famous as the location of the "Miracle of Carquere." The miraculous statue of Our Lady of Carquere is carved in ivory and is only 29 millimeters tall, and is assumed to date from the time of the Visigoths. The sculpture depicts the Blessed Mother with the Divine Child sitting on her knee. The Child holds a book in his left hand, and gives his blessing with his right. Perhaps the precious statue was worn by a Christian warrior, and lost in a battle against the Muslim Infidels, or was hidden during the time of the Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula to protect it from desecration.- Translation of St Guthlac, priest and monk at Crowland Abbey in Lincolnshire, England, his Dies Natalis is April 11.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Burgos Saints Arsenius, Pelagius and Silvanus, hermits near Burgos in Castile in Spain, martyred by the Muslim Infidels, August 30, 950.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Colonia Suffetulana in the province of Roman Africa, now largely the Arab Colony of Tunisia, sixty martyrs who were murdered by the pagans infuriated at their destruction of an idol of the Demon Hermes.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Hadrumetum in the province of Roman Africa, now largely the Arab Colony of Tunisia, Saints Boniface and Thecla, who were the parents of the Twelve Holy Brothers, martyrs, three of them commemorated yesterday.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Rome, Saint Felix, a priest, martyred under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, after being racked, he was sentenced to death, and as they led him to execution, he met a man who spontaneously declared himself a Christian, and was forthwith beheaded with him. The Christians not knowing his name, called him St Adauctus, because he was added to St Felix and shared his crown.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Rome Saints Gaudentia, virgin, and three Companions.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Spain martyred, murdered by the Maranos and the Maranocracy illegally occupying Spain, August 30, 1936, at various places, Saints Albert Joseph Larrazábal Michelena, Angelus Affonso Escribano, Anthony García Padilla, Anthony Girón González, Anthony María Arriaga Anduiza, Anthony Torres García, Aurelius Leyva Garzón, Charles Canyes Santacana, Catherine Margenat Roura, Eleuterius Angulo Ayala, Francis Rodríguez Carmona, James or Diego Ventaja Milán, James or Santiago Mesa Leyva, John Garrido Requena, John Manuel Felices Pardo, Joseph Ferrer Adell, Joseph Flores Beltrán, Joseph Gomez de Haro, Josepha Monrabal Montaner, Manuel Medina Olmos, Manuel Requejo Pérez, Marianus Morate Domínguez, Mary Dolores Oller Angelats, Nicasius Romo Rubio, Nicholas González Ferrer, Torquatus Pérez López, and Vincent Cabanes Badenas.
- + The Holy Martyrs of Tyburn in London England Saints Edward Shelley, John Neale or Neele or Roche, Margaret Ward, Richard Lloyd alias Flower, Fludd and Graye, Richard Leigh, Richard Martin, martyred, murdered by the Maranos and the Maranocracy led by the bastard and prostitute Elizabeth Boleyn illegally occupying England, August 30, 1588 at Tyburn, London, England, for refusing to be Satanists and traitors and for refusing to accept the Whore as "Pope of England."
- + St Agilus or Aile or Ayle, abbot of Rebais in France, Apostle of Bavaria.
- + St Bononius, abbot of the Lucedio Abbey near Trino near Bologna, Italy.
- + St Cronan of Cluain-an-dobhair, King's County, Ireland.
- + St Ero, founder of the monastery of Armenteira in Galicia, Spain.
- + St Fantinus the Younger, confessor, who suffered much from the Saracens in Calabria and at Thessalonica, and was driven from the monastery of St Mercurius which he had founded and which the Muslim Infidels destroyed, in which he had lived in great abstinence. After having brought many to the way of salvation, he rested at last at an advanced age, August 30, 1000.
- + St Fiacre, also called Fiachra, Fiacer, Fiacrius, Fialer, Fevre, abbot of Kilfiachra in Ireland, and then of St Fiacre in France, in the diocese of Meaux, confessor, feast day August 30, at some places, August 29, his Dies Natalis is August 18.
- + St John Juvenal Ancina, bishop of Saluzzo, martyred, murdered by a refractory monk, August 30, 1604.
- + St Loaran or Loarn, disciple and collaborator of St Patrick, at Downpatrick, Ireland.
- + St Modan, hermit at Killmodan in Ulster in Occupied North Ireland.
- + St Pammachius, a priest in Rome distinguished for learning and holiness.
- + St Peter, confessor, who was distinguished for many virtues and miracles. He is honored in Trevi, whence he departed for Heaven.
- + St Raymond of the Divine Grace, Mercedarian, abbot of St Thomas at Tortosa in Spain.
- + St Richard of Lorraine (Lotharingia), early disciple and collaborator of St Norbert and his Praemonstratensian Order, abbot of Our Lady of the Forest at Pont a Mousson in France, died on August 30, 1155.
- + St Romanus or Ronan, bishop in Cornwall.
- + St Rose of St Mary, virgin, at Lima in Peru, whose birthday in the Lord is the 24th of this month. Her liturgical feast was inserted into the General Roman Calendar in 1729 for celebration on August 30, because August 24 is the feast of St Bartholomew the Apostle and August 30 was the closest date not already allocated to a well-known saint. The Satanist Antipope John Montini pretended to move her feast to August 23.
- + St Theodosius, bishop of Oria near Brindisi in Italy, he made peace between the Byzantines and the Lombards ruling in Italy and between the Latin and Byzantine Rites.