Agost-31-acem Sogglem Santam

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Major Feasts

  1. St Raymond Nonnatus
  2. St Aidan of Lindisfarne
  3. St Aristides Marcianus
  4. St Bonajuncta the Servite
  5. St Wala

Flee From Satan's Church

When Pope Pius XII died in October 1958, Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Satanists seized the Vatican Basilica and from there masquerade as the Catholic Church. Catholic Law excludes Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Heretics and Apostates from the Catholic Church, and all their pretended "acts" are null and void. All who observe and pretend to legitimize the Pretensions and Masquerades of these Satanists, thereby certify themselves satanists, and that their "gods" are the Demons Ganpati, Allah, etc., the "gods" of the Accursed Latrocinium of "Vatican2."

God Demands Obedience And Excludes All False 'gods'

"I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me." Exodus xx, 2-3; "The gods of the pagans / heathens / gentiles are devils" Psalm 95 5 "Pagans / heathens / gentiles sacrifice to devils, and not to God" 1 Corinthians x 20 "Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? [15] And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God; as God saith: I will dwell in them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore, Go out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing: And I will receive you; and I will be a Father to you; and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians vi, 14 fl.; Thus saith the Lord: Stand ye on the ways, and see and ask for the old paths which is the good way, and walk ye in it: and you shall find refreshment for your souls. And they said: we will not walk. And I appointed watchmen over you, saying: Hearken ye to the sound of the trumpet. And they said: We will not hearken. (Jeremias vi, 16-17;

God's Firewall Against Satan and Satan's Lies of Pretended "New Gospels" eg Montanism, Mahomettanism, Waldensianism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Modernism, etc

I wonder that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another gospel. Which is not another, only there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1, 6-9 Whosoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the Son. If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, God speed you. For he that saith unto him, God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works. 2nd Epistle of St John i, 9-11

Proof of Satanism

Please read this page:

That Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger & Bergoglio were and are Satanists is evident from the Bible, particularly the First Commandment.

The ability to discern and distinguish between Christians and Satanists is proof of whether one is a Christian or a Satanist.

The refusal to acknowledge that the Antipopes Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger & Bergoglio were and are Public, Pertinacious and Manifest Satanists and heads of a non-Catholic sect, is proof that one is a Satanist, a public enemy of the Living God.
  1. August 31: Feast of the Deposition of the Girdle of Our Lady at the Church of Our Lady of the Founders in Constantinople

    The Abbot Orsini tells us the Empress St Pulcheria had this church built, and gave to it the girdle of Our Lady. A feast of this relic is kept at Constantinople, under the title of the "Deposition of the Girdle of Our Lady." During the reign of Emperor Arcadius, father of St Pulcheria, this relic was found in a household in Jerusalem, and brought to Constantinople, where it was placed in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the place called the Chalkepratois. The Zone is associated with several miracles, including curing an incurable fatal disease from which Empress Zoe, the wife of Emperor Leo, was dying of, in 486. Later, Empress St Pulcheria had gold threads sewn into the Zone. In 1101, the Zone was moved for safe-keeping to the Monastery of Vatepedi on Mount Athos. The French having taken Constantinople by storm, this precious treasure was carried off by Nivellon, Bishop of Soissons, and placed in the celebrated abbey of Our Lady, with a portion of the veil of that Queen of Heaven. St Pulcheria lived in Constantinople in the 5th century, and she built many churches, hospitals and public houses for the destitute. She is responsible for at least three churches in Constantinople that were dedicated to the Blessed Virgin – the Blachernae, the Chalkoprateia, and the Hodegetria. The Church of the Virgin of Blachernae, now known as the Church of the Panagia of Blachernae, is located in Constantinople. It was once the most celebrated shrine in Constantinople, and lies inside the high walls of the city, only a short distance from the Golden Horn. The church was begun by St Pulcheria, and completed by her husband, Emperor Marcian. It was built upon the site of what was thought to be a sacred spring, the waters of which are still thought to have therapeutic value. The Emperor Leo I made several additions, including the Hagai Soros, which was actually a small chapel next to the church where the Holy Robe and Girdle of the Blessed Virgin Mary were kept in a silver and gold reliquary. The relics had been brought from Palestine in 458. In the year 911 AD it was reported that there was a Marian apparition at this church. The city was under siege by a large army of Muslim Infidels, so the citizens of Constantinople had recourse to Mary, praying for relief at the Blachernae church. Very early one morning the Blessed Virgin, preceded by a host of angels, was seen to enter through the church doors, escorted by St John the Baptist and St John the Theologian. She advanced to the center of the church and knelt there to pray fervently with tears in her eyes. After a time she moved to the altar and continued praying before she removed Her veil and held it out over the faithful as She ascended back into heaven. This was seen as a sign that she was taking the city under her protection, and so it happened that the Christians won a striking victory over the Infidels, who were driven off. The city of Constantinople came under siege during the Fourth Crusade in the year 1203, and was captured in April of 1204. The Bishop Nivelon de Cherisy was one of the first men to scale the walls of mighty Constantinople when it fell to the Crusaders. Despite the fact that there was a stern prohibition against plundering relics from churches and monasteries, many holy relics were obtained and brought back to the West. Bishop Conrad of Halberstadt, Abbot Martin of Paris, and Nivelon of Soissons were known to have taken relics. Nivelon of Soissons enriched his cathedral at Soissons with several important relics. Robert of Clari later includes in a list of relics he viewed at the church of the Blessed Virgin of the Pharos (Lighthouse) the crown of thorns, the Virgin's Robe, the head of John the Baptist, and two large pieces of the True Cross. The robe was a large portion of the sleeveless shirt worn by the Virgin Mary, as well as her girdle.

  2. + Feast of the Translation of St Columban, Irish missionary, founder & first abbot of Luxeuil Abbey in France.

  3. + Feast of the Translation of St Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria, son of Siward, at Crowland or Croyland Abbey, August 31, 1092, martyred by William the Great May 31, 1076.

  4. + The Holy Martyrs of Caesarea in Cappadocia Saints Theodotus, Rufina, and Ammia . The first two were the parents of the martyr St Mamas, who was born in prison, and whom Ammia brought up.

  5. + The Holy Martyrs of Fossombrone (then known as Forum Sempronii, in the province of Pesaro e Urbino in the Marches), Saints Maurentius (wrongly Mauritius), Urbanus, Avitus, Maternianus and Vincentius, under Diocletian, August 31, 303 or 304.

  6. + The Holy Martyrs of Mediolanum now Milan Saints Robustianus and Marcus.

  7. + The Holy Martyrs of Transaquae near Lake Celano in the Marsica Saints Caesidius, priest, and his companions, who were crowned with martyrdom in the persecution of Maximinus.

  8. + St Aed also called Coemed MacBaird or CoĆ­mid or Coemaedh the Lombard, called by the Welsh, Aedh ap Rhystud (son of Restitutus), one of the nine sons of St Patrick's sister St Darerca and her first husband, St Restitutus the Lombard.

  9. + St Aedan or Aidan, Irish missionary in England, bishop of Lindisfarne, confessor. When St Cuthbert, then a shepherd, saw his soul going up to Heaven, he left his sheep and became a monk.

  10. + St Aedh the Martyr, an Irishman.

  11. + St Amatus, bishop of Nusco.

  12. + St Andrew Dotti, Servite, August 31, 1315, at Montevecchio.

  13. + St Aristides Marcianus at Athens, most celebrated for his faith and wisdom, who presented to Emperor Hadrian a treatise on the Christian religion, containing the exposition of the Christian doctrine. In the presence of the emperor, he also delivered a discourse in which he clearly demonstrated that Jesus Christ is the only God.

  14. + St Barbolenus of Bobbio.

  15. + St Bonajuncta, confessor, on Mount Senario, near Florence, one of the seven founders of the Order of the Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who gave up his soul into the hands of the Lord whilst discoursing to his brethren on the Passion of our Saviour.

  16. + Queen St Cuthburh or Cuthburga, died August 31, 725, was the first Abbess of Wimborne Minster. She was the sister of Ine, King of Wessex and was married to king Aldfrith or Alfred of Northumbria. At her suit he allowed her to remain always a virgin, and to devote herself to her heavenly spouse in the monastery of Barking in Essex. She afterwards founded that of Winburn, in Dorsetshire, which she governed, giving herself up totally to fasting, watching, and holy prayer; humble both to God and man, meek and tender to others, but always austere to herself. She never ceased to exhort her sisters to live up to the dignity of spouses of the King of heaven, to keep their hearts free from all affection to the things of this world, and ever to sigh after their heavenly home. Being purified by a long and painful illness, and strengthened with the viaticum of the precious body of Christ, she passed to everlasting bliss.

  17. + St Elizabeth or Isabella, virgin, daughter of King Louis VIII of France, and Blanche of Castile, and only sister to King St Louis IX.

  18. + St Evergislus also called Evergisil, Evergisius, Eberigisil, Ebergisel, Ebregisil, Ebregesilus, Ebrisigilus, Ebraisilus, and Ehregisilus, relative of Saints Ado or Audo, founder of the double monastery of Jotrum or Jouarre, bishop Audoenus of Rouen, bishop Agilbert of Paris, Theodechilde, first abbess of Jouarre, and Agilberta, second abbess of Jouarre, he was made bishop of Meaux.

  19. + St Martin Gotsfrucht, Praemonstratensian, died August 31, 1618.

  20. + St Optatus, bishop of Auxerre, confessor.

  21. + St Paulinus, bishop of Trier or Treves, who was exiled to Phrygia for the Christian faith by Emperor Constantius, an Arian. For his long continued sufferings under the Arians, he is considered an Isomartyr.

  22. + St Raymond Nonnatus, Cardinal and confessor, of the Order of Mercedarians, renowned for holiness of life and miracles, at Cardona in Spain.

  23. + St Senan, Sessan, or Sessen, of Ath-omna, disciple and collaborator of St Patrick.

  24. + St Wala, died August 31, 836. He was a son of Bernard, son of Charles Martel, and one of the principal advisers of his cousin Emperor St Charlemagne, of Charlemagne's son Louis the Pious, and of Louis's son Lothair I. He succeeded his brother St Adalard as abbot of Corbie, in 826 or 827, and later of Bobbio in 834.

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