Otubr-12-acem Sogglem Santam

The Holy Martyrs of Roman Africa, now largely the Arab Colony of Tunisia, Saints Felix, Cyprianus, and Companions, four thousand nine hundred and sixty-six holy confessors and martyrs, in the persecution of the Vandals under the Arian king Hunneric. Some of them were bishops, some priests and deacons, with a multitude of the faithful accompanying them, who were driven into a frightful wilderness for the defense of the Catholic truth. Many of them were cruelly annoyed by the leaders of the Moors (Mauri), and with sharp-pointed spears and stones forced to hasten their march, whilst others, with their feet tied, were dragged like corpses through rough places and mangled in all their limbs. They were finally tortured in different manners, and won the honors of martyrdom. The Holy Martyrs of Rome Saints Evagrius, Priscianus, and Companions. St Domnina, martyr in Lycia, under the emperor Diocletian. St Edistius, martyr at Ravenna, on the Lauretine road. St Eustachius, priest and confess...