Happy Feast of the Victory of Our Lady of the Rosary over the Muslim Infidels that threatened to invade Christian Europe, at the Battle of Lepanto. <br><br>
Deliver us, Most Holy Mother of God, by thy infallible and supreme intercession, from the Filth of Vatican2, of Roman Protestantism, from the Filth called Antipope Francis, from the Filth called Ecumenism and Pan-religionism, from the Filth called the "New Mass," etc. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.<br><br>
Basis of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Lepanto<br><br>
The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary has been created by Catholicism to celebrate the defeat of Mahomettanism and of Mahomettan aggressions. <br><br>
Celebrating the "Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary," is against your religion. This is a feast set up as a Red Flag against Mahomettanism. And your rejects this opposition to Mahomettanism as "Islamophobia," and as "ungodly," etc. Your religion teaches that Mahomettanism is a valid and holy religion.<br><br>
Does the "Whole World" include Muslims? Are Muslims also celebrating it?<br><br>
People are celebrating it without using their senses. Your Religion teaches that Mahomettanism is good, pious, holy, but God denies it; your Religion teaches that you must give churches and chapels to Muslims to pray in, in places where they have no mosques, but God strictly forbids this, as being Satanism. <br><br>
Your sect finds Catholicism appalling, is appalled at the idea of resisting Mahomettanism.