Decem-30-acem Sogglem Santam
(Pictures: 1.: Our Lady of St. Luke of Bologna, with protective silver shield & crowns; 2.: Restored Sacred Icon of Our Lady of St. Luke; 3.: Basilica Oratory or Church of Our Lady of St. Luke; 4.: Sanctuary of the Basilica desecrated with the Protestant Table of the Abominations of Desolation of the Great Modernist Apostasy.)
Feast of Our Lady of St. Luke at Bologna: The Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca is a basilica church in Bologna, in the country of Aemilia, in Italy, sited atop a forested hill, the Colle della Guardi, or Monte della Guardi, the Lookout Hill of the Watchmen or Guards, some 300 metres above the city plain, just south-west of the historical centre of the city. While a road now leads up to the sanctuary, it is also possible to reach it along a 3.8 km monumental roofed arcade, called the Porticoes of Bologna, consisting of 666 arches, which was built in 1674–1793 A.D.; & meant to represent the serpent or Satan ("666") being crushed by the Virgin. It was also meant to protect the Sacred Icon as it was paraded up or down the hill: A yearly procession during Rogationtide, goes up from the Cathedral of St. Peter in the centre of Bologna, to the Sanctuary, along this path. Originally the arches held icons or chapels erected by patron families. In 1160 A.D., the Greek pilgrim Theoclus Kmynia, being guided by a vision, had received the blackened Hodegetria, or Wayguide Icon, of the Madonna with Child made by the evangelist St. Luke, from the Church of Holy Wisdom, or Saint Sophia, in Constantinopolis, now made a Demonarium to Impieties by illegally occupying Mahomettan Infidels, with instructions to take it to the Monte della Guardi in Bologna. When Theoclus Kmynia arrived in Rome, he met a Bolognese senator who showed him the way. Once he reached Bologna, he was welcomed into the city & the Sacred Icon was carried in procession to the top of the Colle della Guardi, where the bishop of Bologna, Gerard Grassi or Gisla, assigned the icon to a small hermitage-chapel atop the hill that was tended by two holy women, Azzolina & Beatrice Guezi. In 1192 A.D., Angelica Bonfantini, a Bolognese noblewoman who then led the convent atop the hill, petitioned Pope Celestinus III to have built a place of worship on the Monte della Guardi for the Sacred Icon; in 1993 A.D., Pope Celestine III accordingly sent the first stone of the new building to the bishop of Bologna, the same Gerard, mandating that it should be placed on the mountain to commence construction of the oratory. A few months later, Gerard laid the foundation stone on May 25, 1194 A.D. In 1294, some friars of the Dominican order from the monastery of Ronzano came to the site, & the order remained there until the impious & execrable condotierre Napoleone Buonaparte suppressed it in 1799 A.D. The icon was crowned in 1603 A.D. by Archbishop Alfonso Paleotti, as representative of the Pope. In 1625 the image was covered with a silver panel which left only the faces of the figures uncovered, in order to protect the Sacred Icon from damage. The present church was commenced in 1723 A.D. using the designs of Charles Francis Dotti, & completed in 1765 A.D. The lateral external tribunes were built by his son, John James, using his father's plans. The centrally planned sanctuary has painted artworks by Dominic Pestrini, Donatus Creti (2nd chapel on right); Guy Reni (Assumption in the 3rd altar on right), Joseph Mary Mazza in chapel of St. Anthony of Padua, Victor Bigari (frescoes) & Guercino (sacristy). Stucco works are by A. Borelli & G. Calegari & statues by Angelus Pius; the sacredness of the Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca is, in part, due to two miracles: the Miracle of the rain, & the Venetian Theft; July 5th, 1433 A.D., incessant rain was ruining the harvest, bringing with it, the risk of a famine; a member of the city’s council, Graziolo Accarisi, suggested that the Sacred Icon be brought down to the city to implore the Madonna to save Bologna from devastation; when the procession of the Sacred Icon arrived down from the mountain & into the city of Bologna, the storm & rains stopped immediately, thus saving the crops & preventing a famine. Since that day, in gratitude for the miracle, the icon is carried in a procession down from her sanctuary into the city every year on the first Sunday of July, a spring festival, in which the image of the Madonna remains exhibited for a week in the cathedral of St. Peter; some merchants from Venice stole the Sacred Icon, however, the icon disappeared from the thieves' box in which it was placed to be transported, & reappeared on the Colle della Guardia; in 1907 the church was raised to the dignity of a minor basilica by Pope St. Pius X;
Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Apparition at Milan in Lombardy, Italy: In an old Church built under the auspices of the Duke of Milan to house an Icon of the Virgin Mary; on December 30, 1485 A.D, the Virgin moved from the alcove or niche, & appeared to those present for some time; following this miracle, the construction of the current sanctuary, the Church of Our Lady of Miracles, or Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Miracoli, began in 1493 A.D.;
Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady of the Cloud or Nuestra Señora de la Nube, at Quito in Ecuador: When Sancho de Andrade y Figueroa, Bishop of Quito, was gravely ill, his flock decided to carry the image of Our Lady from Guapulo to the Cathedral in procession to ask God for his health. On December 30, 1696, at 4:45 p.m., when the procession reached St. Francis's Church, its bell sounded the signal for praying the Gloria Patri. Suddenly Fr. Jose de Ulloa y la Cadena, chaplain of the Nuns of the Immaculate Conception, was pointing east, exclaiming, "The Virgin! The Virgin!" According to official documents in the archdiocesan archives, all present saw the Virgin standing on a cloud in the sky between the sanctuaries of Guapulo & Quinche, with a crown on her head, a lily in her right hand, & the Child Jesus in her left arm; the apparition lasted throughout the recitation of the Gloria, Our Father, & Hail Mary, then it faded & the cloud covered the image; afterwards, the bishop got better, & when fully recovered, he authorized devotion to Our Lady of the Cloud, erecting an altar to her in Quito Cathedral; she's honored with an annual feast & procession, January 1;
Vigil of Pope St. Sylvester;
Feast of the translation of the relics, December 30, of Pope St. Felix I, from the site of his martyrdom, under Aurelianus, & original interment on the Aurelian Way, to the Cemetery of Pope St. Callixtus; St. Felix' Dies Natalis is May 30; the Whore Church or Prostitute Church, Church of Satan masquerading as the Catholic Church, has pretended to transfer Pope St. Felix's liturgical feast to December 30, on the basis of the specious lie that he had died on that day; this transfer of his liturgical feast from May 30, to December 30, cannot be observed without Grave Sin & offence to God!;
The Holy Martyrs of Alexandria, Saints Mansuetus, Severus, Appianus, Donatus, Honorius, & Companions;
St. Anysia, martyr at Thessalonica;
St. Anysius, Bishop of Thessalonica;
St. Eugenius or Eugene, Bishop at Milan, Confessor; he was not a Bishop of Milan, but a free-ranging Bishop of the surroundings of Milan;
St. Liberius, Bishop of Ravenna;
St. Rainerius, Bishop of Aquila in the Abruzzo;