Janeir-16-acem Sogglem Santam

Inscriçoes de Menologia para Janeir 16: 

(Pictured: Artistic rendition of the triumph of Pope St. Marcellus I).

Primary Liturgical Feast of the Day: Pope St. Marcellus I, Martyr, at Rome on the  Salarian Way, for the confession of the Catholic faith; for refusing to allow politically influential Lapsi to be reinstated in the Church, & to stations in the Church, without first performing penance, he was, by command of Emperor Maxentius, himself a Lapsi, first beaten with clubs, then sent to take care of animals & worked hard, with a guard to watch him, in which servile office, dressed in haircloth, he departed this life, Jan. 16, 309 A.D.; the Whore Church, or the Prostitute Church, of Roman Protestantism, has "abolished" the Feast of Pope St. Marcellus I as the primary liturgical feast of Jan. 16, an act that cannot be accepted, or followed, without grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin

Feast of St. Jose Vaz of Sancoale in Goa? Follow the link for more information!

Feast of Nuestra Señora, del Refugio de los Pecadores or Our Lady of Refuge, or Our Lady Refuge of Sinners at an unspecified location in Spain, & for an unspecified reason: On Marian Calendars, such a feast is listed, but with absolutely no information that I can find; some websites have correlated this feast with Our Lady of the Pillar, & Our Lady of Montserrat, with absolutely no corroboration; another has attributed it to "the  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Refuge of Sinners, @ Paris, France, again with no corroboration, & flying against the consensus, or tradition, that associates it with Spain; given the lack of information, others have filled it in with pious platitudes, which, unfortunately, does not inspire; one thing is certain, if a webpage that I found, is reliable, the Jan. 16 feast was apparently quite well known & widespread, because a French shrine to Our Lady of Victories adopted that date, for the reason of that feast; the true story of this feast will be, once located, inspiring; it most probably will be found under some Spanish name that may differ from what has passed into the Anglosphere enough to not be easily found (link); 

Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St. agathius, also called Acacius, Achatius,  Agathonas & Agarius, a Cappadocian Greek centurion of the imperial army, martyred around 304 A.D. (link); 

The Holy Martyrs of Morocco, Saints Berard, Peter, Accursius, Adjutus, & Otto, Franciscan missionaries, murdered by Mahomettan Infidels in hatred of Jesus Christ, or Odium fidei, Jan. 16, 1220 A.D.; 

St. Fursey, Confessor, in the monastery of Peronne; 

St. Honoratus, Bishop of Aries, Confessor, wonderworker or thaumaturge; 

St. Honoratus, Abbot at Fundi in the Campania, he is , mentioned by Pope St. Gregory; 

St. Melas, or Melanthius, Bishop of Rhinocolura or Rhinocorura in Egypt, a city previously called Augustamnica, Confessor; he suffered in the persecution of the Arian Emperor Valens, but was able to return to his bishopric after Valens' death, & died in peace; 

St. Priscilla, at Rome; she devoted herself & her goods to the service of the martyrs; 

St. Titianus, Bishop of Oderzo, Confessor; 

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