Janeir-23-acem Sogglem Santam
Jan. 23: Feast of the Espousals Of The Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Joseph, Saints Raymond of Pennafort, Ildephonsus, Etc.
PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Saints Raymond & Ildephonsus:
St. Raymond of Pennafort at Barcelona in Catalonia, in Spain; his birthday in the Lord or Dies Natalis is Jan. 7; co-founder of the Mercedarians;
St. Ildefonsus, Bishop of Toledo in Spain, who, on account of his great purity of life, & his defense of the virginity of the Mother of God against the heretics who impugned it, received from her a brilliant white vestment, & being renowned for sanctity, was called to Heaven;
The Holy Martyrs of Caesarea in Mauritania, now the Arab SettlerColony called Morocco, Saints Severianus & his wife Aquila, who were consumed by fire;
St. Agathangelus, Martyr at Ancyra under the governor Lucius;
St. Asclas, Martyr, at Antinous in Egypt, who, after various torments, was drowned in the Nile, & gave up his precious soul to God;
St. Clement, Bishop of Ancyra in Galatia, Martyr, after having frequently endured torments, he finally completed his martyrdom under Emperor Diocletianus;
St. Emerentiana, Virgin, Martyr at Rome, who, being yet only a catechumen, she was stoned to death by the Gentiles, whilst praying at the tomb of St. Agnes, her foster-sister;
St. Parmenas, Martyr at Philippi in Macedonia, one of the first seven deacons, who, by the grace of God, faithfully discharging the office of preaching committed to him, obtained the glory of martyrdom in the time of Emperor Traianus;
St. John the Almoner, Bishop of Alexandria in Egypt, most celebrated for his charity towards the poor;
St. Martyrius, monk in the Roman Empire province of Valeria, mentioned by Pope St. Gregory;