Janeir-27-acem Sogglem Santam


At Constantinople, St. John, bishop, who was surnamed Chrysostom, on account of his golden flow of eloquence. He greatly promoted the interests of the Christian religion by his preaching and exemplary life, and after many toils, closed his life in banishment. His sacred body was brought to Constantinople on this day, in the reign of Theodosius the younger; it was afterwards taken to Rome and placed in the basilica of the Prince of the Apostles. This illustrious preacher of the Word of God Pius X declared and appointed Heavenly patron of sacred orators.

At Sora, St. Julian, martyr, who, being arrested in the persecution of Antoninus, was beheaded, because a pagan temple had fallen to the ground whilst he was tortured. Thus did he win the crown of martyrdom.

In Africa, St. Avitus, martyr.

In the same country, the holy martyrs, Datius, Reatrus, and their companions, who suffered in the persecution of the Vandals.

Also, the holy martyrs Dativus, Julian, Vincent, and twenty-seven others.

At Rome, St. Vitalian, Pope.

At Le Mans, the demise of St. Julian, the first bishop of that city, who was sent thither by St. Peter to preach the Gospel.

In the monastery of Bobacum, St. Maur, abbot.

At Brixen, St. Angela Merici, virgin, foundress of the Order of the Nuns of St. Ursula, whose principal aim is to direct young girls in the ways of the Lord. By an indult of Pius VII her feast is celebrated on the 31st of May.

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