Janeir-29-acem Sogglem Santam


PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: At Lyons, in France, St. Francis of Sales, Bishop of Geneva, Confessor, Doctor of the Church; his Dies Natalis is December 28; in 1666 A.D., when St Francis of Sales was canonized, & added to the liturgical calendar, his liturgical feast was set for today, Jan. 29; the Prostitute Church of Roman Protestantism masquerading as the "Catholic Church," but of which, it's the greatest Antithesis, being Satan's THE Antichurch, Whore, has pretended to have transferred his feast to Jan. 24, which cannot be observed without Grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin (link); 

The Roman Protestant Sect formally, disciplinarily, teaches that "All gods're one, all religions're true, one can attain to heaven through the sincere practice of any belief system," a subsection of the heresy of Modernism, itself a fork of Liberal Protestantism; it calls this "Ecumenism," (pseudo-Ecumenism,) I style it "Panreligionism," others call it "Omnism;" this is a grave error, a formal repudiation of the 1st Commandment; every member of this sect, even nominal, or dissident, ones, are bound, by their membership in her, by, or to, this false teaching, in the Eyes of God, & are therefore, Accursed by, & before, Him, & assigned by Him to Eternal Damnation in Hell; God positively, urgently, commands all souls to "Flee from her! Come away! Touch not the Unclean Thing, but be apart from her, that the plagues He bestows upon her, not afflict you! Seek the paths of old, & walk in it, that you may find rest for your soul!" Return to the Catholic Church under the Catholic Pope: https://www.vaticaninexile.com!

At Rome, on the Nomentan road, the birthday of the holy martyrs Papius and Maurus, soldiers under the emperor Diocletian. At their first confession of Christ their mouths were bruised with stones and they were thrown into prison by order of Laodicius, prefect of the city. Afterwards they were beaten with rods and with leaded whips until they expired.

At Perugia, in the time of Marcus Aurelius, St. Constantius, bishop and martyr, who together with his companions, received the crown of martyrdom for the defense of the faith.

At Edessa, in Syria, the holy martyrs Sarbelius and his sister Barbea, who were baptized by the blessed bishop Barsimseus, and crowned with martyrdom in the persecution of Trajan, under the governor Lysias.

In the territory of Troyes, St. Sabinian, martyr, who was beheaded for the faith of Christ by the command of the emperor Aurelian.

At Milan, St. Aquilinus, priest, who was crowned with martyrdom by having his throat pierced with a sword by the Arians.

At Treves, the demise of the blessed bishop Valerius, disciple of the Apostle St. Peter.

At Bourges, St. Sulpicius Severus, bishop, distinguished by his virtues and erudition.

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