Fevreir-28-acem Sogglem Santam

Inscriçoes de Menologia para Fevreir 28 (Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day).


Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Livrant Saibinn, Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa, Goencem Saibinn, our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering Goa from the Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, from the Forces of Darkness, the Enacim, Amalecites, Canaanites, Philistines, Ammonites, Moabites, Etc., of our time & place: Paganism, Idalcao, the Dutch, English, Marathas, Mughals, the bandit Tipoo, son of Hyder, the Bonsales & Ranes, etc. Vindicate, & restore Mother Goa, O beloved Mother of God! We make this prayer through the same Lord God Jesus Christ, thy Son, Who is, in unity with God the Father, & God the Holy Ghost, one God, forever & ever, Amen!

V."Deliver us from the Shaitans!"*
(*Spontaneous prayer of Christians of Ceilão in wake of Mahomettan Infidels' Terror Attacks, Bombings of Churches Easter 2019 A D.)


At Rome, the birthday of the holy martyrs Macarius, Rufinus, Justus, and Theophilus. [The Holy Martyrs of Alexandria, 4 potters, Saints Macarius, Rufinus, Justus & Theophilus, slain in the persecutions of Decius, as recorded by the Martyrology of St. Jerome; their history is lost.]

At Alexandria, the passion of the Saints Caerealis, Pupulus, Caius, and Serapion.

In the same city, in the reign of the emperor Valerian, the commemoration of the holy priests, deacons, and other Christians in great number, who encountered death most willingly by nursing the victims of a most deadly pestilence then raging. They have been generally revered as martyrs by the pious faithful.

In the territory of Lyons, on Mount Jura, the demise of St. Romanus, founder of Condat & other monasteries, Abbot; he was the first to lead the eremitical life there, joined later by his siblings Saints Lupicinus (March 21) & Ysola. His reputation for virtues and miracles brought under his guidance numerous monks. (Link)

There are some indications that the Whore Church of Roman Protestantism, of the Great Modernist Apostasy, which, while masquerading as the "Catholic Church," Apostatized from  Christianity, from Catholicism, Oct. 28, 1958, to teach the Apostate Heresy of Modernism, a subsection of Liberal Protestantism, & which includes within itself the Apostate Heresy of Panreligionism or Omnism, effectively & disciplinarily teaching, "All gods're one, all religions're true, one can attain to heaven through the sincere practice of any belief system," has impotently, unauthorizedly & ineffectually pretended to transfer the liturgical feast of St. Lupicinus from March 21, to Feb. 28, to be jointly celebrated with that of his elder brother St. Romanus, but, from its habitual misogyny, not including their sister St Ysola, and which change cannot be observed without Grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin!

At Pavia, the translation, from the island of Sardinia, of the body of St. Augustine, bishop, by Luitprand, king of the Lombards.


The Holy Martyrs of Corinth, Saints Basilia, Betha, Caius, Claudius, Diodorus, Donatus, Enuclus, Felix, Hermes, Januaria, Januarius, Maccaris, Maninlia, Mansuetus, Nicophorus, Papias, Quinquianus, Rufunia, Serapion, Servilia, Silvana, Stercola, Tella, Veneria, Victorius and Victorinus; their history is lost.

The Holy Martyrs of Rome, Saints Alexander, Anicetus, Cyriacus, Eulalia, Faustus, Genesius, Hirena, Macarius, Mauritius, Modestus, Placidus, Rochus, Symphorianus and Victorinus; their history is lost. Their remains were later transferred to Antwerp, & enshrined there, Feb. 28, 1600, due to which they are called by some as "Martyrs of Antwerp," but they weren't martyred there.

The Holy Martyrs of Rome, Saints Benignus, Donatus, Felician, Fidelis, Filemon, Herculanus, Julius, Justus, Maximus, Pelagius, Pius, Primus, Procopius and Silvius; their history is lost. Their remains were later transferred to Antwerp, & enshrined there, Feb. 28, 1600, due to which they are called by some as "Martyrs of Antwerp," but they weren't martyred there.

The Holy Martyrs of Su-Lik-Hien, Guangxi province, China, Saints Augustus Chapdelaine alias Ma Lai, Lawrence Sheng Bai Xiaoman, Agnes Tsao Kou Ying or Cao Guiying, & 15 Companions, martyred, murdered by the Manchu Empire, Feb. 29, 1856 A.D. Beatified by Pope Leo XIII May 27, 1900. Not yet canonized by a Catholic Pope.

The Holy Martyrs of Mount Unzen, Japan, Saints Alex Sugi Shohachi, Casper Kizaemon, Casper Nagai Sohan, Damian Ichiyata, Denis Saeki Zenka, John Araki Kanshichi, John Heisaku, John Kisaki Kyuhachi, Leo Nakajima Sokan, Louis Saeki Kizo, Louis Shinzaburo, Mary Mine, Paul Nakajima, Paul Uchibori Sakuemon, Thomas Kondo Hyoemon & Thomas Uzumi Shingoro, martyred, murdered, by the Buddhists, Feb. 28, 1627 A.D. Not yet canonized by a Catholic Pope.

Pope St. Hilary (Hilarius), an aide to Pope St. Leo the Great. Sent to the "Robber Synod" at Ephesus as Papal Legate in 449 A.D. to report on the Monophysitism heresies of Eutyches, which denied the humanity of Christ and claimed that He had only a divine nature, a teaching condemned in 451 by the Council of Chalcedon. Eutyches' followers attacked the legatine party, and forced them to return to Rome. Worked on an updated method of calculating the date of Easter. Elected 46th pope in 461. As pope, Hilary confirmed the work of several general councils, rebuilt and remodeled many churches, fought Nestorianism and Arianism, and held several Councils at Rome. Renowned for defending the rights of his bishops while exhorting them to curb their excesses and devote themselves more completely to God. Helped define the Church's role in the Empire, and affirmed the position of the pope, and not the emperor, as leader in spiritual matters. He continued Leo I's vigorous policy, strengthening ecclesiastical government in Gaul and Spain. Erected churches, convents, libraries, and two public baths, and his synod of 465 is the earliest Roman synod whose records are extant. Died in the peace of the Lord, Feb. 28, 468 A.D. at Rome. His liturgical feast is set for November 17. the Whore Church of Roman Protestantism, of the Great Modernist Apostasy, which, while masquerading as the "Catholic Church," Apostatized from  Christianity, from Catholicism, Oct. 28, 1958, to teach the Apostate Heresy of Modernism, a subsection of Liberal Protestantism, & which includes within itself the Apostate Heresy of Panreligionism or Omnism, effectively & disciplinarily teaching, "All gods're one, all religions're true, one can attain to heaven through the sincere practice of any belief system," has impotently, unauthorizedly & ineffectually pretended to transfer the liturgical feast of Pope St. Hilarius to Feb. 28, and which change cannot be observed without Grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin! (Link1 & Link2)

Saints Marana, Cyra, hermitess who had themselves inmured as an extreme form of asceticism, just outside of Beroea or Aleppo, in Syria.

St. Abercius or Abircius, martyred by the sword, his history is lost.

St. Antonia, a widow & Franciscan tertiary, then a Claretian nun. Founded, and ruled as Abbess, a Claretian house of Strict Observance at Aquila, Italy. Died in the peace of the Lord, Feb. 29, 1472 at Aquila. Beatified by Pope Pius IX in 1847. (Link1 & Link2)

St. Bosone, an Italian nobleman, he was one of the first brought to the monastic life by St. Bernard of Clairvaux. According to Conrad, Abbot of Eberbach, in his "Exordium Magnum," angels sang around him as he lay dying on his bed.

St. Ermina also known as Febaria, Irish hermitess.

St. Libius, a British (not English) saint, his history is lost, the settlement of Llanlibio in Wales was dedicated to him.

St. Maidoc or Madoc, a British (not English) bishop, the settlement of Llanmadog in Wales was dedicated to him.

St. Oswald, Dane settler in England, Bishop of Worcester, and thereafter, Archbishop of York, died in the peace of the Lord, Feb. 29, 992 A.D., by convention, in non-leap years, he is commemorated on Feb. 28. (Link1 & Link2)

St. Ruellinus, Bishop of Treguier in Brittany.

St. Sillan, Abbot of Bangor in Ireland.

St. Timothy Trojanowski, Franciscan Capuchin brother, murdered by Nazi Infidels, in odium fidei, Feb. 28, 1942 A.D., at Oswiecim or Auschwitz, in the province of Lesser Poland (Malopolska), in Poland. Not yet canonized by a Catholic Pope.

St. Villana de Botti: born in 1332 A.D. in Florence in Tuscany, Italy, the daughter of wealthy Florentine merchant Andrew di Lapo de Botti. As a child she was exceptionally pious, and at the age of thirteen she ran away from home to enter a convent. However, her father opposed this and had her brought back. Not long after, in July 1351, he had her married to Rosso di Piero Benintendi. After she married, she seemed completely transformed. She gave herself up completely to worldliness and vanity and even debauchery. But it is said that one day she was going out dressed in a magnificent dress adorned with pearls and precious stones. Then she looked in the mirror, but instead of her own reflection she saw something demonic, perhaps her stained soul. The same image appeared in a second and a third mirror. Then she repented on the spot. She tore off her dress and put on the simplest outfit she could find. Then she went to the Dominican church of Santa Maria Novella and made general confession. Not long after, she joined the Dominican Tertiary Order. Her conversion was complete, but she remained faithful to her marital duties. But she spent all her free time in prayer and reading spiritual literature, studying especially the biographies of the saints and the Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle, and she made great progress in her spiritual life. She tried to beg for the poor in the streets, but was prevented from doing so by her terrified family. She seems to have had visions and ecstasies, and despite opposition in certain camps, she was locally venerated as a saint even before her death. After she became a widow, she had to endure slander from some of her companions. She died Jan. 29, 1361 in Florence, while the words from the Passion of Christ: "Et inclinato capite emisit spiritum," "He bowed his head and gave up the spirit," were read to her at her request. Her body was carried to the church of Santa Maria Novella, where for a month it was besieged by large crowds who fought to get hold of pieces of her clothes and made it impossible to perform any funeral. She lies buried there in a marble tomb made by Bernardo Rossellino. She cult was confirmed March 27, 1824 by Pope Leo XII, who set her feast for Feb. 28.


St. Thomas Saleh, nee Jirays Hana Saleh, according to some sources, he was martyred Jan. 18, 1917 (Link1), according to others, Feb. 28, 1917 (Link2). 


Carlo Gnocchi, died at Milan, Italy, Feb. 28, 1956.

Daniel Brottier, died at Paris, France, Feb. 28, 1936.


Aba I Patrick, Nestorian Patriarch of Seleucia-Ctesiphon, a convert from Zoroastrianism. See Council of Florence, Decree "Cantate Domino." The Whore Church of Roman Protestantism, of the Great Modernist Apostasy, which, while masquerading as the "Catholic Church," Apostatized from Christianity, from Catholicism, Oct. 28, 1958, to teach the Apostate Heresy of Modernism, a subsection of Liberal Protestantism, & which includes within itself the Apostate Heresy of Panreligionism or Omnism, effectively & disciplinarily teaching, "All gods're one, all religions're true, one can attain to heaven through the sincere practice of any belief system," has unauthorizedly, & ineffectually, impotently, pretends that people who died as Heretics, are "Saints of God, in Heaven," in open opposition to what God Himself has Authoritatively and Irreformably Declared at the Council of Constance, Decree "Cantate Domino.", & which cannot be observed without Grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin! As a matter of fact, God affirms that mere association with this Whore Church, either as a participant, or even as a nominal member, is sufficient to guarantee Eternal Damnation in hell!

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