Marz-5-acem Sogglem Santam
Concannim: Marz Char-acem Santam; Portugues: Inscriçoes de Menologia para Marça 4; English: Saints of March 5.
Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day.
PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: São João Jose de Santa Cruz, St. John Joseph of the Cross.
Today, March 5, 2025, Is Ash Wednesday. It was always, & remains, a Mortal Sin, to participate in the rites of Heretics & Apostates, & there is not a sect in Salvation history that is more a Sect of Perdition, & of Damnation, than the "Vatican2" sect under its Apostasiarchs Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger & Jorge Bergoglio. It is strictly forbidden by God, for Catholics to have any part with the rites of the Nestorians, Jacobites, Caerularians or Cacodox, Protestants, & of the "Vatican2" Apostate sect.
Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Livrant Saibinn, Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa, Goencem Saibinn, our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering Goa from the Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, from the Forces of Darkness, the Enacim, Amalecites, Canaanites, Philistines, Ammonites, Moabites, Etc., of our time & place: Paganism, Idalcao, the Dutch, English, Marathas, Mughals, the bandit Tipoo, son of Hyder, the Bonsales & Ranes, etc. Vindicate, & restore Mother Goa, O beloved Mother of God! We make this prayer through the same Lord God Jesus Christ, thy Son, Who is, in unity with God the Father, & God the Holy Ghost, one God, forever & ever, Amen!
V.: Libera nos a malo, ("Deliver us from evil," from the Paternoster,) & "Deliver us from the Shaitans!"*
R.: Amen!
(*Spontaneous prayer of Christians of Ceilão in wake of Mahomettan Infidels' Terror Attacks, Bombings of Churches Easter 2019 A D.)
At Antioch, the birthday of the martyr St. Phocas, who triumphed over the old serpent after many injuries which he suffered for the name of the Redeemer. That triumph is still manifested to the people in our days; for if anyone stung by a serpent, touches with faith the door of the martyr's basilica, the power of the venom disappears, and he is immediately cured. [St. Phocas was drowned in his bath at Antioch, in the persecution of Emperor Licinius, one of the Diocletianist emperors.]
At Caesarea, in Israel, in the persecution of Diocletian, St. Adrian, martyr, who, being first exposed to a lion for the faith of Christ and then killed with the sword by order of the governor Firmilian, received the crown of martyrdom. [St. Hadrianus or Adrian, accompanied by St. Eubulus, he travelled from Batanaea to Caesarea Maritima in Israel to visit & minister to the Christians there, suffering under the persecution of the Emperors Diocletianus and his 3 co-emperors. Stopped at the entrance to the city, the two were questioned about the reason for their visit, & they answered sincerely, professing their Christian faith. The two were then condemned by the Governor Firmilianus to being attacked by wild beasts, and then to be finished off by sword. Hadrian was murdered March 5, 308 A.D. Eubulus on March 7. They were release if they sacrificed to the demons but they both refused.]
Concannim: Aizcem festam; Portugues: Festa dos santos do dia; English: Feasts of the Saints of the day.
PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: São João Jose de Santa Cruz, St. John Joseph of the Cross.
Today, March 5, 2025, Is Ash Wednesday. It was always, & remains, a Mortal Sin, to participate in the rites of Heretics & Apostates, & there is not a sect in Salvation history that is more a Sect of Perdition, & of Damnation, than the "Vatican2" sect under its Apostasiarchs Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger & Jorge Bergoglio. It is strictly forbidden by God, for Catholics to have any part with the rites of the Nestorians, Jacobites, Caerularians or Cacodox, Protestants, & of the "Vatican2" Apostate sect.
Our Lady of Liberation, Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Livrant Saibinn, Our Lady of Goa, Nossa Senhora da Goa, Goencem Saibinn, our Gracious Mother, intercede with our Lord God Jesus Christ, for your & our beloved Goa, Rome of the East, overrun by, & trod down under, the jackboots of the Forces of Darkness, & lying prostrated under these visceral Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, & our larger national homeland, the Concan, deliver us from evil, from our twin benightments, & enslavements, the Occupation, & of the Valerianist & Whore Church, enlarge & liberate us from our spiritual & material captivity, as you had done before, delivering Goa from the Enemies of God & of His beloved Goa, from the Forces of Darkness, the Enacim, Amalecites, Canaanites, Philistines, Ammonites, Moabites, Etc., of our time & place: Paganism, Idalcao, the Dutch, English, Marathas, Mughals, the bandit Tipoo, son of Hyder, the Bonsales & Ranes, etc. Vindicate, & restore Mother Goa, O beloved Mother of God! We make this prayer through the same Lord God Jesus Christ, thy Son, Who is, in unity with God the Father, & God the Holy Ghost, one God, forever & ever, Amen!
V.: Libera nos a malo, ("Deliver us from evil," from the Paternoster,) & "Deliver us from the Shaitans!"*
R.: Amen!
(*Spontaneous prayer of Christians of Ceilão in wake of Mahomettan Infidels' Terror Attacks, Bombings of Churches Easter 2019 A D.)
At Antioch, the birthday of the martyr St. Phocas, who triumphed over the old serpent after many injuries which he suffered for the name of the Redeemer. That triumph is still manifested to the people in our days; for if anyone stung by a serpent, touches with faith the door of the martyr's basilica, the power of the venom disappears, and he is immediately cured. [St. Phocas was drowned in his bath at Antioch, in the persecution of Emperor Licinius, one of the Diocletianist emperors.]
At Caesarea, in Israel, in the persecution of Diocletian, St. Adrian, martyr, who, being first exposed to a lion for the faith of Christ and then killed with the sword by order of the governor Firmilian, received the crown of martyrdom. [St. Hadrianus or Adrian, accompanied by St. Eubulus, he travelled from Batanaea to Caesarea Maritima in Israel to visit & minister to the Christians there, suffering under the persecution of the Emperors Diocletianus and his 3 co-emperors. Stopped at the entrance to the city, the two were questioned about the reason for their visit, & they answered sincerely, professing their Christian faith. The two were then condemned by the Governor Firmilianus to being attacked by wild beasts, and then to be finished off by sword. Hadrian was murdered March 5, 308 A.D. Eubulus on March 7. They were release if they sacrificed to the demons but they both refused.]
The same day, the passion of the holy martyrs Eusebius, officer of the imperial palace, and nine others. [The Holy Martyrs of Africa, which is the name of a Roman Empire province, largely coterminus with what is now the Arab Settler-Colony called "Tunisia," Saints Eusebius and 9 Companions; their history is lost.]
At Caesarea, in Israel, in the time of the emperor Severus, St. Theophilus, bishop, who was conspicuous by his wisdom and the purity of his life.
Also in Israel, on the banks of the Jordan, the anchoret St. Gerasimus, who lived in the time of the emperor Zeno. [St. Gerasimus the Zoophile, lover of animals, founder of monasteries near the Dead Sea and on the Jordan near Jericho. «In Israel, on the banks of the Jordan, St. Gerasimus, an anchorite, who, at the time of the Emperor Zeno, having been brought back to the true faith by St. Euthymius, performed a great work of penance, offering to all those who under his guidance practiced monastic life, an irreproachable model of discipline and life. John Mosco, who wrote The Spiritual Meadow, a work in which the life of Gerasimus is recounted, narrates that one day a lion approached him, limping. Gerasimus saw that he had a large thorn in his paw, pulled it out, and treated the paw. From then on, the lion followed him faithfully like a dog, and became the companion of a donkey that carried water for the monastery. When some robbers stole the donkey, the lion returned alone to Gerasimo, who, thinking that it had eaten the donkey, charged it with carrying water, & the lion meekly accepted. Some time later, the robbers returned, bringing with them the donkey & three camels. The lion attacked them, putting them to flight, then took the bridles of the donkey & the camels & brought them to the saint, who apologized to him for the unjust punishment he had given him. The lion lived with the monks for five years &, when Gerasimos died, he stopped on his tomb, banging his muzzle on the ground, without eating or drinking until he died of starvation.»] (Link1 & Link2)
At Naples, the decease of St. John Joseph of the Cross, Promoter and first Provincial of the Italian branch of the Order of Discalced Friars Minor of St. Peter of Alcantara, who, by emulating the virtues of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Peter of Alcantara, became a new ornament of the Seraphic Order. He was canonized by Pope Gregory XVI.
The Holy Martyrs of Africa, which is the name of a Roman Empire province, largely coterminus with what is now the Arab Settler-Colony called "Tunisia,", Saints Eusebius, Evolus, Hadrianus, Julianus, Octavianus, and 299 Companions, Christians martyred together for their faith in 254 A.D.
St. Caron, Bishop. A church at Tregaron in Wales is dedicated to him.
St. Carthage the Elder, Carthach McErbthaide, of royal descent, Bishop of Ossory & of Munster, Ireland.
St. Christopher Macassoli, Italian nobleman, & Franciscan priest, founded the monastery of Our Lady of Grace (Santa Maria della Grazie, at Vigevano. Died in the peace of the Lord, March 5, 1485 A.D. at his monastery in Vigevano and was buried in the monasterial church, his relics were translated to the cathedral of Vigevano in 1810. Confirmation cultus July 23, 1890 A.D., by Pope Leo XIII.
St. Claudius I, 7th Bishop of Auxerre.
St. Clement, Abbot of the monastery of Saint Lucia in Syracuse, Sicily.
St. Colman of Armagh, an Irishman, & disciple of St. Patrick.
St. Conon. According to Conon himself, he was originally from Nazareth, in Galilee, & was a direct member of the family of Jesus Christ, he was martyred for being a Christian, in the persecutions of Decius. Nails were driven through his ankles, & he was forced to run ahead of a chariot until he collapsed, & it ran over him.
St. Conrad Scheuber, grandson of St. Nicholas of Flue, he was a hermit at St. Nicholas, & then at Wolffenschiessen. Died in the peace of the Lord, March 5, 1559 in Bettelruti.
St. Dietmar, Bishop of Minden, with royal approval, he opened silver mines near Dehem and Cruckeberge. In 1200, he founded the Marienwerder monastery. He lived an extremely ascetic life, often fasting on bread and water only. One Friday in Lent, when he was thus fasting, because he was damaging his health, when his servant went to fetch water from the well for him, it would turn to wine in the bucket. Died in the peace of the Lord, March 5, 1206 A.D.
St. Elouan, 5th century Irish monk & evangelist in Armorica, an area now known as Brittany.
St. Eusebius of Cremona. After hearing St. Jerome speak in Rome, Eusebius accompanied him to the Holy Land alongwith Saints Paula and Eustochium, & lived in Bethlehem. Raised funds in Dalmatia & Italy to fund a hostel for poor pilgrims, & donated the proceeds from the sale of his own property in Cremona, Italy. Abbot in Bethlehem.
St. Frambold, Bishop of Bayeux. On June 13, 1861, Pope Pius IX authorized the cult of St. Frambold.
St. Gerasimus of St. Lawrence, a hermit following the Basilian tradition. His reputation for piety and wisdom attracted so many would-be spiritual students that he founded the monastery of Holy Angels of Valletuccio, in the hamlet of St. Lawrence, Italy for them, and served as its first abbot. Died April 25, 1180 A.D. in St. Lawrence, Italy. His relics are enshrined in the church of the monastery of the Holy Angels of Valle Tuccio, outside St. Lawrence. (Link)
St. Joana Irrizaldi, Mercedarian nun in the monastery of St. Joseph in Nalan, Asturia, Spain. Miracle worker, she could travel across the sea by streteching a white veil over the water and riding it.
St. Kieran of Saighir, Irishman known as one of the "Twelve Apostles of Ireland," first Bishop of Ossory, Ireland. Founder of Saighir monastery.
Pope St. Lucius I: Today, March 5, is his Dies Natalis, having died March 5, 254 A.D., however, his liturgical feast is set for March 4. The Whore Church of Roman Protestantism, of the Great Modernist Apostasy, which, while masquerading as the "Catholic Church," Apostatized from Christianity, from Catholicism, Oct. 28, 1958, to teach the Apostate Heresy of Modernism, a subsection of Liberal Protestantism, & which includes within itself the Apostate Heresy of Panreligionism or Omnism, effectively & disciplinarily teaching, "All gods're one, all religions're true, one can attain to heaven through the sincere practice of any belief system," has unauthorizedly, & ineffectually, impotently, pretended to transfer his liturgical feast to Mar. 5, which cannot be observed without Grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin!
St. Mark, who fought the Messalian and Nestorian heresies. Said to have known the Scriptures by heart.
St. Oliva, martyr under Emperor Hadrianus, March 5, 138 A.D. Her body is venerated in the church of St. Afra in Brescia.
St. Orante was a monk who travelled to holy sites and lived on alms. When passing through Ortucchio, Italy, he became ill, and stopped at the local church, Santa Maria. It was closed up for the day, so he knelt on a pile of dry vines by the door, planning to spend some time in prayer at the church, if not in it. However, he did not survive the harsh winter: The next morning the church bells began ringing; the parishioners went to the church and found that the pilgrim monk had died while in prayer, that the dry vines had produced bunches of grapes, and the bells had been ringing on their own. As no one knew his name, they named him for the prayer position (Orante) in which they had found him, and made him their own. Died March 5, 1431 A.D., outside the church of Santa Maria in Ortucchio, Italy of exposure, he was buried in a lead coffin in the church, which was later renamed in his honour. A wooden cup that Orante had with him was preserved as a relic, and there was a tradition that to drink wine from that cup would cure stomach ailments.
(St. Piran's flag: National flag of the Cornish nation.)
St. Piran, Irishman, he may be or may not be, the same as the founder & first abbot of Clonmacnoise, worked in Wales, Ireland, Cornwall, Brittany, was possibly Archbishop of Eboracum, which later developed into the English city of York; chaplain to King Arthur. Martyred by the anti-Christian, probably neo-Pagan, Theodoric, King of Cornwall, March 5, 480 A.D.
St. Pontius or Ponce, Abbot of St. Andrew in Villeneuve les Avignon, 1063 to 1087 A.D. Miracle worker or wonder worker (thaumaturge). Died in the peace of the Lord, March 26, 1087 at this abbey. His liturgical feast is March 5.
St. Roger, disciple of St. Francis of Assisi, joining the Franciscans in 1216 A.D. Miracle worker or wonder worker (thaumaturge) and Prophet. Died in the peace of the Lord, March 5, 1236 A.D. in Spain.
St. Romaeus or Romeo, Carmelite lay brother of Limoges,& pilgrim companion of St. Avertanus to Rome & the Holy Lands, but died en route. Died March 5, 1380 A.D. at Lucca of the plague.
St. Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Israel, he opposed the Quartodecimians, a sect that advocated commemorating Easter on Passover, whether that was Sunday or not.
St. Virgilius, Archbishop of Arles, appointed by Pope St. Gregory the Great. Ordained St. Augustine of Canterbury. Miracle worker or wonder worker (thaumaturge).
St. Pontius or Ponce, Abbot of St. Andrew in Villeneuve les Avignon, 1063 to 1087 A.D. Miracle worker or wonder worker (thaumaturge). Died in the peace of the Lord, March 26, 1087 at this abbey. His liturgical feast is March 5.
St. Roger, disciple of St. Francis of Assisi, joining the Franciscans in 1216 A.D. Miracle worker or wonder worker (thaumaturge) and Prophet. Died in the peace of the Lord, March 5, 1236 A.D. in Spain.
St. Romaeus or Romeo, Carmelite lay brother of Limoges,& pilgrim companion of St. Avertanus to Rome & the Holy Lands, but died en route. Died March 5, 1380 A.D. at Lucca of the plague.
St. Theophilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Israel, he opposed the Quartodecimians, a sect that advocated commemorating Easter on Passover, whether that was Sunday or not.
St. Virgilius, Archbishop of Arles, appointed by Pope St. Gregory the Great. Ordained St. Augustine of Canterbury. Miracle worker or wonder worker (thaumaturge).