
Showing posts from January, 2025

Janeir-31-acem Sogglem Santam

PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: St. John Melchior Bush, in Italian, Giovanni Melchiorre Bosco, in his native Piedmontese language,  Gioann Melchior Bosch, died Jan. 31, 1888 A.D., canonized by Pope Pius XI, April 1, 1934; the word Bosco or Bosch is translateable into English both as equivalent of English last names Bush, or Woods. ROMAN MARTYROLOGY At Rome, on the road to Ostia, the holy martyrs Cyrus and John, who were beheaded after suffering many torments for the name of Christ. At Alexandria, in the time of the emperor Decius, the birthday of St. Metran, martyr, who, because he refused to utter blasphemous words at the bidding of the Pagans, was scourged until he was covered with bruises, and pierced through the face and eyes with sharp-pointed reeds. He was then driven out of the city, overwhelmed with stones and killed. In the same place, the holy martyrs Saturninus, Thyrsus and Victor. In the same city, the hol...

Janeir-30-acem Sogglem Santam

( El Greco: Madonna & Child with Saints Martina & Agnes ). ( Pietro da Cortona:  St.  Martina Calling Down Lightning on the Idols in the Temple of Apollo ). PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: St. Martina. ROMAN MARTYROLOGY  The Holy Martyrs of Ostia, Saints Martina, Virgin, & her Companions, in the persecution of Emperor Alexander Severus ( link1  & link2 ). At Antioch, the passion of the blessed priest Hippolytus, who, for a short time deceived by the Novatian schismatics, was converted by the grace of Christ and returned to the unity of the Church, for which and in which he afterwards underwent a glorious martyrdom. Being asked by the schismatics which was the better side, he repudiated the doctrine of Novatus, and affirming that the faith ought to be professed which the Chair of Peter taught, he presented his neck to the executioners. In Africa, the passion of the holy martyrs Felician, Philappian, and one hundred and twen...

Janeir-29-acem Sogglem Santam

ROMAN MARTYROLOGY  PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY : At Lyons, in France, St. Francis of Sales, Bishop of Geneva, Confessor, Doctor of the Church; his Dies Natalis is December 28; in 1666 A.D., when St Francis of Sales was canonized, & added to the liturgical calendar, his liturgical feast was set for today, Jan. 29; the Prostitute  Church of Roman Protestantism masquerading as the "Catholic Church," but of which, it's the greatest Antithesis, being Satan's THE Antichurch , Whore , has pretended to have transferred his feast to Jan. 24, which cannot be observed without Grave affront to the Divine Majesty, a Mortal Sin ( link );  The Roman Protestant Sect formally, disciplinarily, teaches that " All gods're one, all religions're true, one can attain to heaven through the sincere practice of any belief system ," a subsection of the heresy of Modernism, itself a fork of Liberal Protestantism; it calls this "Ecumenism," (...

Janeir-28-acem Sogglem Santam

St. Peter Nolasco, founder of the Mercedarians, died December 25, his feast was set for Jan. 31, but in 1954 A.D., it was transferred to Jan. 28;  ROMAN MARTYROLOGY:  At Rome, the second feast of St. Agnes. In the same place, St. Flavian, martyr, who suffered under Diocletian. At Apollonia, the holy martyrs Thyrsus, Leucius, and Callinicus, who were made to undergo various torments in the time of the emperor Decius. Thyrsus and Callinicus consummated their martyrdom by being beheaded; Leucius, being called by a Heavenly voice, yielded his soul to God. In Thebais, the holy martyrs Leonides and his companions, who obtained the palm of martyrdom in the time of Diocletian. At Alexandria, the commemoration of many holy martyrs, who, whilst they were at Mass in the church on this day, were put to death in various manners by the followers of Syrian, an Arian general. Also, St. Cyril, bishop of the same city, a most celebrated defender of the Catholic faith, who rested in peace with a...

Janeir-27-acem Sogglem Santam

ROMAN MARTYROLOGY  At Constantinople, St. John, bishop, who was surnamed Chrysostom, on account of his golden flow of eloquence. He greatly promoted the interests of the Christian religion by his preaching and exemplary life, and after many toils, closed his life in banishment. His sacred body was brought to Constantinople on this day, in the reign of Theodosius the younger; it was afterwards taken to Rome and placed in the basilica of the Prince of the Apostles. This illustrious preacher of the Word of God Pius X declared and appointed Heavenly patron of sacred orators. At Sora, St. Julian, martyr, who, being arrested in the persecution of Antoninus, was beheaded, because a pagan temple had fallen to the ground whilst he was tortured. Thus did he win the crown of martyrdom. In Africa, St. Avitus, martyr. In the same country, the holy martyrs, Datius, Reatrus, and their companions, who suffered in the persecution of the Vandals. Also, the holy martyrs Dativus, Julian, Vincent, and ...


ROMAN MARTYROLOGY  At Smyrna, the birthday of St. Polycarp, a disciple of the Apostle St. John, who consecrated him bishop of that city and Primate of all Asia. Afterwards, under Marcus Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus, whilst the proconsul was sitting in judgment, and all the people in the amphitheatre were clamoring against him, he was condemned to the flames. But as he received no injury from them, he was transpierced with a sword, and thus received the crown of martyrdom. With him suffered in the same city twelve others from Philadelphia. At Hippo Kegius, in Africa, the holy bishop Theogenes and thirty-six others, who, despising temporal death, obtained the crown of eternal life in the persecution of Valerian. At Bethlehem of Juda, the demise of St. Paula, widow, mother of St. Eustochium, virgin of Christ, who abandoned her worldly prospects, though she was descended from a noble line of senators, distributed her goods to the poor, and retired to the manger of our Lord, w...


PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle. ROMAN MARTYROLOGY  The conversion of St. Paul the Apostle, which happened the second year after the Ascension of our Lord. At Damascus, the birthday of St. Ananias, who baptized that Apostle. After he had preached the Gospel at Damascus, Eleutheropolis, and elsewhere, he was scourged under the judge Licinius, had his flesh torn, and lastly being overwhelmed with stones, ended his martyrdom. At Antioch, in the time of Julian the Apostate, the holy martyrs Juventinus and Maximus, who were crowned with martyrdom. On their birthday, St. John Chrysostom preached a sermon to his people. At Clermont, in Auvergne, the Saints Projectus, bishop, and Marinus, a man of God, who were murdered by the leading men of that city. Also, the holy martyrs Donatus, Sabinus, and Agape. At Tomis, in Scythia, St. Bretannion, bishop, who by his great sanctity, and his zeal for the Catholic faith, shone in the Church, un...

Janeir-24-acem Sogglem Santam

ROMAN MARTYROLOGY  The birthday of St. Timothy, disciple of the Apostle St. Paul, who ordained him bishop of Ephesus. After many combats for Christ, he was stoned for reprehending those who offered sacrifices to Diana, and shortly after went peacefully to his rest in the Lord. At Antioch, in the persecution of Decius, the bishop St. Babylas, who frequently glorified God by his sufferings and torments, and ended his holy life in chains, with which he ordered his body to be buried. Three boys whom he had instructed in the faith of Christ, Urbanus, Philidian, Epolonius, are said to have suffered with him. At Neocaesarea, the holy martyrs Mardonius, Musonius, Eugenius, and Metellus, who were burned to death, their remains being thrown into the river. At Foligno, in the time of Decius, St. Felician, consecrated bishop of that city by Pope Victor. After many labors, he was crowned with martyrdom in extreme old age. Also, the holy martyrs Thyrsus and Projectus. At Bologna, St. Zamas, the ...

Janeir-23-acem Sogglem Santam

Jan. 23: Feast of the Espousals Of The Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Joseph, Saints Raymond of Pennafort, Ildephonsus, Etc. PRIMARY LITURGICAL FEAST OF THE DAY: Saints Raymond & Ildephonsus:  St. Raymond of Pennafort at Barcelona in Catalonia, in Spain; his birthday in the Lord or Dies Natalis is Jan. 7; co-founder of the Mercedarians;  St. Ildefonsus, Bishop of Toledo in Spain, who, on account of his great purity of life, & his defense of the virginity of the Mother of God against the heretics who impugned it, received from her a brilliant white vestment, & being renowned for sanctity, was called to Heaven;  The Holy Martyrs of Caesarea in Mauritania, now the Arab SettlerColony called Morocco, Saints Severianus & his wife Aquila, who were consumed by fire;  St. Agathangelus, Martyr at Ancyra under the governor Lucius;  St. Asclas, Martyr, at Antinous in Egypt, who, after various torments, was drowned in the Nile, & gave up his precious soul...

Janeir-22-acem Sogglem Santam

Inscriçoes de Menologia para Janeiro 22; Janeir 22-acem sogglem santam:  Exsurge Domine, et Libera Nos A Malo! ("Arise Lord, & Deliver us from evil!") Arise, O Lord! How long will Thou permit that Sin, Evil & Injustice, be exalted, & allow evildoers to thread down, & supplant, Virtue, Goodness & Justice, to pass off evil as good, & good as evil, lies as truth, & truth as lies,  latrociniae , thieveries & robberies as lawfulness, & lawfulness as  latrociniae , thieveries & robberies?  «Ecce enim dies veniet succensa quasi caminus: et erunt omnes superbi et omnes facientes impietatem stipula: et inflammabit eos dies veniens, dicit Dominus exercituum, quae non derelinquet eis radicem et germen. Et orietur vobis timentibus nomen meum sol justitiae, et sanitas in pennis ejus: et egrediemini, et salietis sicut vituli de armento. Et calcabitis impios, cum fuerint cinis sub planta pedum vestrorum, in die qua ego facio, dicit Domin...

Janeir-21-acem Sogglem Santam

Inscriçoes de Menologia para Janeiro 21; Janeir 21-acem sogglem santam:  Exsurge Domine, et Libera Nos A Malo! ("Arise Lord, & Deliver us from evil!") Arise, O Lord! How long will Thou permit that Sin, Evil & Injustice, be exalted, & allow evildoers to thread down, & supplant, Virtue, Goodness & Justice, to pass off evil as good, & good as evil, lies as truth, & truth as lies,  latrociniae , thieveries & robberies as lawfulness, & lawfulness as  latrociniae , thieveries & robberies?  «Ecce enim dies veniet succensa quasi caminus: et erunt omnes superbi et omnes facientes impietatem stipula: et inflammabit eos dies veniens, dicit Dominus exercituum, quae non derelinquet eis radicem et germen. Et orietur vobis timentibus nomen meum sol justitiae, et sanitas in pennis ejus: et egrediemini, et salietis sicut vituli de armento. Et calcabitis impios, cum fuerint cinis sub planta pedum vestrorum, in die qua ego facio, dicit Domin...

Janeir-20-acem Sogglem Santam

Inscriçoes de Menologia para Janeiro 20; Janeir 20-acem sogglem santam:  Exsurge Domine, et Libera Nos A Malo! ("Arise Lord, & Deliver us from evil!") Arise, O Lord! How long will Thou permit that Sin, Evil & Injustice, be exalted, & allow evildoers to thread down, & supplant, Virtue, Goodness & Justice, to pass off evil as good, & good as evil, lies as truth, & truth as lies, latrociniae , thieveries & robberies as lawfulness, & lawfulness as latrociniae , thieveries & robberies?  «Ecce enim dies veniet succensa quasi caminus: et erunt omnes superbi et omnes facientes impietatem stipula: et inflammabit eos dies veniens, dicit Dominus exercituum, quae non derelinquet eis radicem et germen. Et orietur vobis timentibus nomen meum sol justitiae, et sanitas in pennis ejus: et egrediemini, et salietis sicut vituli de armento. Et calcabitis impios, cum fuerint cinis sub planta pedum vestrorum, in die qua ego facio, dicit Dominus exercituu...

Janeir-19-acem Sogglem Santam

Inscriçoes de Menologia para Janeir 19:  Primary Liturgical Feast Of The Day: Saints Marius & Companions, Martyrs ; The Holy Martyrs of Rome, Saints Marius, his wife Martha, their sons Audifax & Abachum, noble Iranians who came to Rome through devotion, in the time of the Emperor Claudius, after they had been beaten with rods, tortured on the rack & with fire, lacerated with iron hooks, & had endured the cutting off of their hands, Martha was put to death in the place called Nympha, on the Cornelian Road, the others were beheaded & cast into the flames ( link );  Feast of the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple ( link );  OCTAVE OF CHRISTIAN UNITY : In 1908, the Catholic Church approved Fr. Paul Wattson's proposal of dedicating the 8 days, both fmdays inclusive, of the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter at Rome, Jan. 18, & the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle, Jan. 25; heretics were either expelled from the Church of C...